A perfect case, example and huge tip on how to … for both leaders and their teams. Thank You Marshall

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As a leader, Bosses have to be open & allow the creativity.

A major fact to accept or realise is that 'employees were hired to do a job'. So let them work ! :D

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Another great idea Marshall about whether adding more value IS actually adding more value or detracting from the value, ownership and pride that a subordinate has in coming up with something. An acronym I sometimes use and should use more often is WAIT = Why Am I Talking. And I just used it here, so I think I'll shut up now.

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I really like the idea of thinking "does the person need more value on the idea versus more support for the execution of the idea. " Great learning. Thanks Marshall. Joe

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This is a perfect explanation I am going to send to my client! Thanks:) Sometimes coaches can get into that "over value" posturing...Just saying!

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