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The Netherlands tax rules on cryptocurrencies: Not an income tax but progressive wealth tax source: https://3commas.io/blog/cryptocurrency-taxes-guide

Dutch regulation in favor of cryptocurrency

The tax authorities see bitcoins, or other cryptocurrencies that you own, as assets. You must, therefore, pay tax on the total value of all cryptocurrencies that you own. The capital from cryptocurrency falls under “other equity” in box 3, which is about saving and investing. The tax to be paid is calculated per bracket, based on a notional return on which you, again, ultimately pay 30% tax. Keep a good record of the value of your possessions and how much goes in and out. This can be valuable if you have to calculate your tax at the end of the year, or you might have to defend yourself in order to avoid being taxed up to 51%.

Bracket Amount Fictional return Effective tax rate

1 0 to 70,800 euros (the first 30,000 exempt) 2.017% 0.655%

2 70,801 – 978,000 euros 4,226% 1,298%

3 > 978,000 euros 5.38% 1.614%

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