Charlie Kirk: “Deputize a citizen force, put them on the border” in order to protect “white demographics in America”


From the September 23, 2021, edition of The Charlie Kirk Show, streamed on YouTube

CHARLIE KIRK (HOST): If Texas started to make the visual, that they are going to arrest and deport them as their own state, this would inspire acts of courage amongst Republican governors all across the country.


We're already in that constitutional – that post-Constitutional questioning moment. So really the open-ended question remains: What are we going to do about it?

Well cut 80, DHS reports they've deported 1.7 thousand Haitians, but they've allowed 3,000 to come into America. Texas allowed this to happen. Texas could have intervened and they could have usurped federal authority. They should have.


KIRK: Now, some people are saying I'm being too harsh on Texas. Well, Texas, whether they like it or not, are front and center smack dab in the middle of the great question of our time, which is who runs the country? What do you do when you start to have a apathetic tyrant – no, apathetic when it comes to immigration law but very engaged when it comes to forcing vaccinations – what do you do? I know so many amazing patriots in the great state of Texas, and I love Texas, that have been waiting and are willing for this moment. Deputize a citizen force, put them on the border, give them handcuffs, get it done. Sure that's dramatic. You know what's dramatic? The invasion of the country. 

We're going to talk more about that, we're going to talk about how the other side has openly admitted that this is about bringing in voters that they want and that they like and honestly, diminishing and decreasing white demographics in America. We're going to say that part out loud, as so many people in the corporate media are afraid to talk about it.