I know you have explained this s numerous times however, it gets better each time. 👍🙌

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You would think by now that anyone who has been listening to you for awhile would know. Some people never get it.

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May 15, 2022·edited May 16, 2022

The wipe out off small business has and continues happening on a scale we could not have dreamed two years ago.

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I truly believe that "they" (politicians, Elites and domestic oligarchs) still firmly hold and espouse that as long as you can print money you can never go broke and holding that position has proven very beneficial for the last several decades however, as the saying goes, "when you get to the point where you think that "this" will never end, unfortunately and usually quite unexpectedly, it does" The more serious issue then is not when it will all end but rather what comes next and how should we position ourselves to our best advantage

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Very well explained. Thank you

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If everyone else is bearish, then the market is about to go up. 👍🎯📈📤⏫↗️⬆️⤴️

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so basically I feel this is a buying opportunity to fill the bags up as the fed/government/Biden makes it look like they care about/ are fighting inflation going into midterms which are not as important to them and also I think they are beaten already, so then they switch a script in preparation for the presidential election then markets pump as free money comes back in full so on the way leading up to election time the economy LOOKS better / people feel better that their portfolios are up. How do we feel about this?

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Stock Market is down? It's OUR fault. /// Proof:

https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/ulrsil/so_the_narrative_begins_the_stock_market_crash_is/ ... OUR FAULT

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Where/how do i track the debt market?

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Looks more and more like that the best investment is to prep. Hunger Games.

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May 15, 2022·edited May 15, 2022

I’m a relative newcomer to the channel. This is my current understanding of what Greg is saying. Please someone let me know if I’m on the right track. I admit I am yet to read his books but it's on my todo list.

Cash flows into stocks or bonds depending on the bond yields. If bond yields are low, cash goes into stocks. If bond yields spike higher, cash leaves stocks and goes into bonds. Thus, the stock market can be considered as derivative of the debt market.

How the "big one" plays out in stocks:

- rates are artificially low

- eventually rates will normalise (i.e spike higher)

- cash that was seeking yield in the stock market then moves into bonds since they offer better yield

- stock market implodes

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Thatnk you Greg for that analysis. Probably not found anywhere else but right here on your blog.

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This is a great article that should help a whole Lotta people deal with the economic crisis ahead.

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This post is worth more than 5000 PHD dissertations for Economics! I know a True MONETARIST when I see one! We all are Milton Friedman fans in here with you!

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Damn right!!

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What happens after the "Big One"?

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