So good to see your work and your message reaching more and more people. This, like you, gives me hope.

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Ruseell has a big megaphone so that's great. Russell is a good sort but he's careful in what he says so as to not get censored. I can't blame him for that. You, Caitlin, aren't. You say the whole thing. If your audience becomes large enough, you will be censored.

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Russell Brand's channel is one of if not my absolute favorite. He's funny, on point, well researched, and humble AF (as the kids say). Great message. Looking forward to watching him read your work, even if I've already read them.

I hope with his huge audience that he can help grow yours as well!

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I saw that. Good for you! He's got 5 million subscribers, too. Jimmy Dore shows a lot of your tweets, if you didn't already know.

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Your writing is heard around the world. Because you are that good.

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That's pretty awesome! I hope you get many more readers!!!

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I'm not taking credit, but I have been slipping your name and quotes into several comments on his videos, and putting your quotes and ideas into my videos about his Under the Skin interviews. Someone asked in a comment on one of my videos whether you were my go-to person on Ukraine. I answered that if anyone was saying exactly what I wanted to say, I wouldn't go to the trouble of making videos but would dance my way into my dotage. And that I found your bluntness refreshing, it was a relief to take off the pretense and stop being nice about empire. And that you always taught me something new.

My recent video is 'Victoria Nuland is Dolores Umbridge.' I don't know that it would teach you anything new, but it would definitely amuse you ;-) https://youtu.be/TJJFuG1IWYk

And I did use this to launch my Substack: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/victoria-nuland-is-dolores-umbridge

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Am v pleased for you!

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Correct position about disinformation. Not so much about the side to be chosen in the military operation in Ukraine. After 8 years of Russia's warnings about Ukraine's disregard of every article of the Agreements of Minsk, Russia had to step in and stop all Western provocation.

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I actually learned about you from this video. I'm definitely interested in seeing what else you have on offer.

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Congratulations Caitlin! As one of your biggest fans, my wish has long been that everyone follows your writings everyday. Russell’s megaphone will help spread your honesty.

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Keep channeling that muse, Caitlin! The more people learn to channel their muses, the more creative, free, and beautiful our species will become.

I always appreciate your hybrid form of journalism, and your constant attempt to create compelling ironies for people, such that you don’t have to tell them what to think, you just lay out the paradoxes and ironies saturating our world and discourse and let the mind see for itself.

This is the essential ingredient of the Socratic method, which remains the most powerful form of communication, in my opinion. Poets and prophets have always been about using paradox, parables, and irony to communicate their truth as well. That’s how they reached both the hearts and minds of so many. They were not lecturers or academics, or careerists.

Whether it’s a Socratic dialogue, a parable by Christ, or a speech by MLK, they were all very effective at compelling the mind using beautiful (even if sometimes intense) irony.

I think your journalism resounds because you see to do the same thing, and provoke a higher resonance of truth within your readers.

To quote St. Augustine, “The truth is like a lion, you don’t need to protect it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.”

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Wonderful to see more people reading your excellent work! Russel Brand prefaced the Overton window quote from Noam Chomsky, by saying that “some of you are not fans of Chomsky” but I’ll read this quote that you might like…. I have nothing but extreme respect for Noam Chomsky and I have heard this thing a few times now about how he has fallen out of the graces of the “left”. Can anyone explain why?

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I saw that!

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