This makes me hopping mad. I despise the US Chamber of Commerce and have for years.

Hope? My postcard campaign material arrived.

Fight back, well yeah!

No joke. This goes on every post card:

"If you want the minimum wage to be $15, vote Warnock and Ossof on January 5, 2021." Lists the place to get absentee and go to polls in a link.

Appeal to the common man and woman and their wallet.

If you can, go to Act Blue and send a few dollars to Warnock and Ossof and help save our country. Our Democracy depends on it!

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The Evil Turtle is among the most odious political figures we have seen in recent memory (in this country).

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These lobbying groups often have such banal or unassuming names. U.S. Chamber of Commerce. What a crock.

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I despise them. They were up Dick Cheney's be-hind during W Bush disaster.

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The current situation illustrates why Nike’s decision to retain its membership in the Chamber of Commerce was foolish and misguided. Their “seat at the table” is not having an impact, so they and every other corporation that truly supports policies that McConnell opposes should resign, immediately. The Chamber of Commerce would have less influence (and less funding) if its membership did not include such large, influential companies. Companies like Nike and Amazon need to pick a side.

Oh, wait. They did, and it’s the Republican side. Their PR statements are meaningless.

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Thank you, Judd, for your precise examination of what the Chamber is really up to, and what they are not--helping very small businesses that do not pay them for membership, I guess. Keeping a seat at the table in the interest of having a voice to influence change has not worked. How well did it work for Obama to bend over backwards to compromise, for Clinton...? Dropping membership would be a loud statement.

Meanwhile, when appropriate, everyone with a voice, please share a clear and easy to understand description of the difference between our socialist programs that have been in place for years (public schools, highways, air traffic, FDA, EPA, military--all branches, and medicare, etc.); and the Socialism in Communist countries like Russia and China.

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