Bravo for holding your nose long enough to compose this.

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Repulsive and repulsiver. One of these men will be the R nominee for Georgia governor. Here’s hoping Stacey Abrahms has the muscle to beat either of them.

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There is a difference between free speech and verifiable lying. This stirs anger and violence. What kind of country are we to allow citizens to be placed in danger and pretending they have a right to say this? We haven’t even punished the leaders of the deadly insurrection.

If we can’t remove this deadly dangerous rhetoric, show me the law that says we can’t flash something on the screen of Fox “News” and others that state, These are verifiable lies! Then put a video on after their screaming with proof.

I know in reality, these people can witness the truth and still call it a lie but this has gotten incredibly dangerous and we need to be protected!

Any type of person associating with the traitor party is not a good candidate for anything!

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They did that on Twitter with a few people. I am sure that will go away after December

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Thank you Judd - good comparison of the two types of Repug candidates.

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Daughter used to live in GA. You could by an AR or military style rifle at the flea market south of Savannah with no ID. You can now be put in jail if you give a bottle of water someone waiting in line for hours to vote.

Brian Kemp is a denatured pole cat, but he is still a skunk.

Lesser of GOP evils is still evil.

Vote for Stacey Abrams instead. Neither a skunk nor Republican, she

represents a better Georgia future

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Great piece, and this doesn't even touch on Herschel Walker, who seems to be a weird amalgamation of all of the worst qualities of each.

- no experience, or even knowledge of, public service

- history of domestic violence

- multiple failed business ventures which he repeatedly lies about

- not a Georgia resident, which is especially relevant since his wife almost certainly committed voter fraud in the last election

Oh and he's currently leading in the polls. We're doomed.

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It’s just sad what our country’s come to and what our Republican candidates have to stoop to to win an election.

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I don’t understand how elected officials, or any public official, gets away with not answering questions about whether they performed their duties.

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I want to be blown away that there are sane people who will vote for people like this. As I meet more people, I realize that they actually believe they are moral and just and there’s nothing we can do to fix them. There are only people who can help spread information to people who don’t know. Perhaps we can still save the world.

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Meanwhile, actual voter fraud you'll never hear GOP discuss, while pushing voter ID laws: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/i-was-a-victim-of-voter-f_b_777888

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