Jul 24, 2021Liked by Byrne Hobart

This year is the 40th anniversary of The Soul of a New Machine, a book which follows a team of young engineers as they work day and night to design a new minicomputer. If you're like me and never got around to reading it, it's well worth it - it won the Pulitzer for a reason, and the insights into work and the tech industry and startup culture are even more relevant today. Also it's incredibly well written - did I mention it won the Pulitzer?

From the River to the Sea is a new John Sedgwick book about the building of the railroads across the Rockies and the Southwest, and in particular, the AT&SF (the SF in BNSF), which eventually connected the East to Los Angeles. Along the way, it has a lot of entertaining anecdotes and insights into the economics of transportation, real estate, and mining. If you don't want to read the entire book, there is a good review here:


In terms of indicators, and in keeping with yesterday's theme, I would say that tracking the commentary from major airlines is probably a good canary right now, since they have an real-time look into bookings.

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The Landmark Thucydides is very on brand for Diff readers. Tons of footnotes and supplemental information to dive into while reading. Only

problem is you want to collect the other versions.

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The link for "The case for GDP-linked bonds" redirects to the previous linked page "How the blockchain will break up Big Tech"

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