Hey there analytics experts!
We hope you’re ready for a curveball. Curve bounties have officially launched here at Flipside Crypto. Learn more here, and see the full list of questions below.
Now, onto this week’s bounties. As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or comments on Discord.
↪️ Curve
Bounty: up to 515.46 CRV
CRV Token Uses
What else do people do with the CRV token (besides vote-lock)? Reminder: provide at least two visualizations to support your answer.
Analyze the stETH-ETH pool over the past 30 days. What trends can you identify? What might be causing them? Bonus: connect the behavior of this pool to activity on Anchor.
Free Square Question
Provide any interesting insights on Curve. The top 5 dashboards will earn 1,000 USDC. These will be judged by a council that includes other community members and the Flipside team!
👻 Aave
Bounty: up to 2.53 AAVE
Aave vs. Compound Flash Loan Prevalence
Building on the previous bounty on Aave Flash Loan Prevalence, build out a similar analysis for Compound and compare the usage of Flash Loans on the respective protocols. Build a dashboard or tool to analyze flash loan use on Aave and Compound: how they are used (what protocols are the funds used with), how often, and how much (volume).
Loan Analysis Tool
Build a tool to see how APY earned/paid on a loan changed over a specific date range. Make it so that anyone can see the APY of any loan ever done.
Total Liquidity Dashboard
Visualize the daily total liquidity in Aave for the past year with the capability to zoom in/search for specific days or ranges of days. What are the most interesting ways to answer the question: What assets are dominant in Aave's liquidity pools and when?
Metric Dashboard
Create a dashboard that visualizes these metrics for any given week in the past year:
- Total Liquidity
- % Utilization (utilization of available liquidity) and generated interest for depositors
- Total flashloan volume in USD and amount of fees they generated for depositors
- Total USD liquidated and resultant fees for liquidators
- Total Fees generated for ecosystem income collectors on Ethereum (addresses 0x464c71f6c2f760dda6093dcb91c24c39e5d6e18c and 0xe3d9988f676457123c5fd01297605efdd0cba1ae - these addresses ingest the reserve factor and some of the flash loan fees, basically all of the protocol revenue)
- Total fees generated by the protocol
🦄 Uniswap
Bounty: Up to 18.70 UNI
V2 vs. V3 Volume
Visualize the volume of trades on v2 vs. v3 over the past 6 months. Has the difference between the two stabilized or is it still dynamic? Elaborate. Hint: Use the dex_swaps table.
Fee Choice Analysis
Develop a Flipside dashboard to display and analyze similar themes to this tweet:

Namely - which fee choice/tier is getting the most bang for their buck? Does the answer to this seem to be stable or fairly dynamic?
🌎 Terra
Bounty: Up to 12.50 LUNA
Delegator APY
Show the average APY for delegators. How has this changed over the past 6 months?
Gas Used vs Gas Limit
Find the largest transactions in the past 30 days. How does the gas fee limit set on these transactions compare to the actual gas used for them?
Free Square — Loop Bounty
Choose your topic! This is an open-ended research topic (500 word minimum) and it can be about anything related to the Terra ecosystem; as always, it must use data and provide visualizations to support the piece.
Chai Volume
Has the volume of Chai being transacted with changed over the past 6 months? Provide visualizations as well as analysis to explain the patterns of how Chai's volume has changed over time.
KRT vs. UST Activity
What are the top activities for KRT and UST holders? Provide analysis for how the behaviors of these holders overlap or are distinct and thoughts on why this may be the case (include data like staking yields if this makes the thesis for explaining the differences stronger).
Validator Churn
How often do validators that have been online at least once in the past 6 months turn off? Has this (validator churn) changed over time?
🟪 Polygon Bounties
Bounty: Up to 443.36 MATIC
Polygon Fees
Visualize the daily fees on Polygon since June 1, 2021. Compare these to the daily fees on Ethereum over the same time period - are they coorelated? Do they diverge significantly at any points? Provide analysis as to why you think this might be.
Largest Actors in Polygon
What are the top 10 addresses on Polygon in terms of daily volume for MATIC, USDC, USDT, WETH, WBTC? Analyze where these addresses are sending and receiving their funds to and from, is there overlap in who the top 10 addresses interact with or are they fairly distinct?
Bridger Destinations
Where do people go when they bridge to Polygon from Ethereum? What are the 10 most popular first destinations for Polygon addresses that have just bridged from Ethereum? What has this been for each day in the past month?
🏆Augmented Finance Public Testnet Competition
Augmented Finance Public Testnet Competition
Total Reward Pool: $15,000
Augmented Finance public testnet is finally launched on Kovan! A $15,000 reward pool of $AGF will be distributed amongst participants for engaging in various activities. The more bugs, UI/UX inconsistencies, improvement suggestions you report, the higher chances to win better rewards!
🏆Bounty Submission of the Week 🏆
Welcome back to our Bounty Submission of the Week!
In this week’s edition, we’re giving our Terra bounties some more love.
@EthPoly provides this week’s winning submission, which investigated liquidity distribution on the Terraswap platform. And, as we can see in the chart below, there’s a clear front-runner when it comes to the top LP providers by liquidity providers. This address has provided roughly $750 million worth of UST liquidity to various pools — more than double the closest competitor.
What’s more, when examining all pools in the Terra ecosystem, ANC-UST, MINE-UST, and MIR-UST pools lead the way — and by a large margin. Though, as @EthPoly in this submission, that’s not too shocking given the attractive APRs they offer.
@EthPoly also examined governance proposals based on who’s proposing them and more. Check out the whole submission here.
Good luck with your bounties this week🤞🍀 Make sure you join our community on Discord to keep up with all things bounties and get answers to any questions you have about solving our queries:
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