Breaking Down Terra Governance Proposals

    In this dashboard we take a look at the Governance Proposals and break them down by their types.

    • There is an increase in proposal activity around the Anchor Protocol release date (March 17) and the LUNA price crash (the week of May 17).
    • Average weekly proposal count also seems to pick up after January as there is only a single week with no proposal after January.
    • The norm seems to be a single proposal for a given proposer in a week. However, Terra Labs Co-founder (Do Kwon) seems to be the exception to this norm.
    • Text proposals, which are more similar to feature requests, became more prevalent in the time span between the Anchor Protocol launch and the LUNA price crash. Proposal counts are similar between the two types in the remaining weeks.


    You can also check out every proposal using the following table.

    • Proposals in the beginning of March and the week of the Anchor Protocol launch seem to be focused on stable coins and reward weights. Mostly affected by the proposals of Do Kwon.
    • Late April proposals seem to be focused on terra station feature requests and different currencies.
    • Activity around the LUNA price crash seems to be related to Anchor and staking rewards.
    • Proposals after May seems to be more related to project funding through the community pool and columbus-5 upgrade.

    We can see that text proposals became more prevalent in the time span between the Anchor Protocol launch and the LUNA price crash. Proposal counts are similar between the two types in the remaining weeks.

    The norm seems to be a single proposal for a given proposer in a week however there are outliers on the week of March 1 and 15. Where the average proposal per proposer increases to 1.75 and 1.1 respectively. The culprit responsible for these outliers is Do Kwon, the co-founder and CEO of Terra Labs himself! He makes several proposals labeled as tips in these weeks with the aim to burn all seigniorage. You can check it out here

    Moving on, we are going to break down the weekly proposal counts by their types (text or standard).

    We can see an increase in proposal activity around the Anchor Protocol release date (March 17) and the LUNA price crash (the week of May 17). Average weekly proposal count also seems to pick up after January as there is only a single week with no proposal after January. Let's take a look at the number of unique proposers in each week to see if some proposers are proposing more than once.

    Let's start by taking a look at the number of proposals in each week.


    What are proposals?

    Proposals are ideas within the community which a member drafts it into a format and submits the proposal alongside an initial deposit. Proposals are submitted on the network through creating a proposal, depositing some Luna tokens, and reaching consensus through a community vote.

    Which proposals can be automatically applied after passing the governance vote?

    These are called standard proposals and include the following: ParameterChangeProposal: Changing of blockchain parameters (defined in each module)

    TaxRateUpdateProposal: Update Tax Rate monetary policy lever

    RewardWeightUpdateProposal: Update Reward Weight monetary policy lever

    CommunityPoolSpendProposal: Disbursement from the Distribution module's Community Pool

    Other issues like large directional changes or decisions requiring human involvement (manual implementation) can be also be voted on, through submitting a plain TextProposal.

    To summarize, text proposals are more akin to feature requests and standard proposals are made to change parameters or use the community pool.

    All Proposals

    Weekly Proposals
