[Compound] Comparison Revenue to Emissions 📥 📤

    What asset makes the most “revenue” (reserves) compared to its emissions? Are there any interesting insights that can be found through analyzing each asset's reserves to its native token and COMP emissions?


    However, when looking at the breakdown of this ratio by market, we see that different contracts provide different returns.

    • Excluding low volume assets like 0x ($ZRX) or BAT, we observe how stablecoins provide a bigger revenue per dollar emitted when compered to other markets such as WBTC or ETH.

    • When comparing stablecoins, DAI provides $0.18 of revenue per dollar of $COMP issued, outperforming the $0.13 of USDT and the $0.10 of USDC.


    On average, over the last 6 months, Compound has generated $0.1305 in revenue per dollar issued on their own token. This ratio has remained relatively stable over time with the exception of the spike observed in May 2nd (2021) caused by the sharp decline in emissions, coinciding with the All-Time High of $COMP.

    >#### Definitions > >>1. Revenue - Change in reserve value for each market over the course of some time interval, in this case we use 1 day as the interval >>2. Emissions - Amount of COMP distributed equally to suppliers and borrowers >>3. Revenue to Emissions ratio - Amount of revenue generated per dollar of COMP issued >
