Thanks for this, Gato. Just what I needed today as it seems like the walls are closing in. I am hoping that the military and healthcare professionals push back on these mandates and I will do whatever I can to support them. I work for a wealth management company and hear a rumor today that vax mandates were coming soon. I will resign before being forced to take these treatments.

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I wish you success in your principled stand. I want to support those like you but have no idea how to actually do that. I read things like this article and it gives me a glimmer of hope. Unfortunately in my current community I am a recent transplant and have little community to join in defiance. My current plan mostly involves fleeing commiefornia and returning to Florida, where at least I know there is a critical mass of like minded individuals.

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Thanks, Z. I live in the orovince of Ontario Canada and our government through our health and science table has been captured. There is a de facto zero Covid policy here and that is the only explanation I can give for the madness. In Ontario (population 14 million) we conducted 41,000 total tests. 26,000 tests of unvaccinated people and there were 70 cases. 15,000 tests on vaccinated resulted in 423 cases for a positivity rate over 3x as high. These “treatments” don’t work but how does the government get off the ride with som much invested in human and financial capital? Remember the vaccines were our only ticket out. They told us this right from the beginning like it was a plan. They won’t let go easily and they are backed by over 80% of my fellow citizens who are suffering from many harmful biases/conditions like sunk cost fallacy, Stockholm syndrome and anchoring. It is brutal here

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You situation makes things hader, Ziggity. That being said, lots of people are very isolated after more than a year of lockdowns in which they've discovered that those they counted closest to them are the first to reject them if they don't get vaccinated or love masks. Even small things can make a difference. Boriquagato wrote an article on things we can do. If you haven't read it, it's here: https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/what-is-to-be-done/comments#comment-1927460

Writer Julius Ruechel also wrote a piece about steps we can take to break the spell. You can find it here: https://www.juliusruechel.com/2021/07/the-emperor-has-no-clothes-finding.html

A video called "Mass Psychosis - How an Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill," (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09maaUaRT4M) quotes Carl Jung (around 17:05) about "the one who can emancipate himself from the grip of the collective psychosis." This person can then become someone who "lights a beacon of hope for others, proclaiming that here is at least one man who has succeeded in excricating himself from the fatal identity with the group psyche."

I don't know about you, but I've let the insanity get me down. (That's a nice way of saying I spend a good chunk of my week wanting to punch things.) I realize that by being so down in the dumps, I've let the tyrants shackle me. A very practical step I can take is to find whatever cheer in life I can. This will go at least some way towards making others want that same cheer too. It seems like people want to be afraid. Deep down, they don't. We got to make them yearn for the good things in life. Work in progress on my end, that's for sure.

P.S. I hope you're able to get back to Florida.

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The video you linked to was an illustrating of a video from the YouTube channel Academy of Ideas, which I very highly recommend. AoI has several videos in a similar vein yet using different sources for broader discussions. All the videos are excellently produced and I recommend all of them but there is a video on Safetyism that I recommend most of all.

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Thanks for the recommendation. I will check them out.

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Gracias, Sr. Gato. YES. Disobey. I've been saying this almost from the very beginning. Don't know why the comfy work from home class can't see it.

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In a recent protest I attended, there were just over 500 people, according to the organizers. The one just this past Saturday managed to get 2000 people or so. (The news said there were only 185 of us, of course.) It seems more people are waking up. I hope. Meanwhile, the governor is starting to sound like he's frothing at the mouth. He's threatening businesses that don't discriminate against people who don't have the Covid vaccine. An official close to the government flat out said the plan was to force the population to get vaccinated. They're not using words like "encourage" any longer. Meanwhile, doesn't anyone who gets vaccinated have to sign a document that says they're accepting the vaccine voluntarily? Geesh. Freaking scary.

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What state is this?

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I'm not in the States. I'm in Puerto Rico.

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wow, i'm off island for the summer. puerto rico is finally protesting?

because periluisi and the health minister are losing the plot and the upcoming exec order on the 16th looks like cause for concern.

santaella is requiring vaxx proof to dine there. not sure how many others are.

the schools are demanding crazy things and are still almost certain to sputter to a close 2 weeks after they open.

was the protest in san juan?

i would literally consider flying back to take part if these got big and persistent.

i'd be thrilled to make pierluisi the new rosello.

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There have been a few protests. I get the impression it's hard to get the word out and sometimes, a protest is only announced a day before. At last week's, which was at the Capitolio followed by a march to Fortaleza, they made it sound like they were going to have a protest every weekend but they didn't give specifics. I know there is a protest against perspectiva de género at 10 am this Saturday, also at the Capitolio. Maybe they're combining the two issues or doing a matinée? Not sure. I've been finding out about the protests by going to the Facebook page of Coalición Pro Consentimiento Informado y Salud. Médicosporlaverdadpr probably announce it on their Telegram page. (Not sure as I don't have a smart phone and Telegram doesn't seem to work on a computer). Those two places, however, are probably good ones to get wind of the protests.

I saw a couple signs that said, "Pierluisi Renuncia" at the last protest. I'm noticing a shift in comments on Endi.com and Elvocero.com. More people are criticizing the moves and the insanity than before.

I saw the news about Santaella. HP in the Placita also made noise about only letting vaccinated people in as though it's something to be proud of. So disturbing.

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I wish the airline employees had resisted the dictatorial mandates from their execs. It was an embarassment.

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the unions are resisting the vax mandates, but i can't tell if this has any principles behind it or if it's just "only we get to mandate stuff around here, so you need to bribe us first if you want it" turf flexing.

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The DNC owns the unions and the DNC doesn't NEED unions anymore. They have been captured by corporate and philanthropic interests now. Only the progressive wing has not been compromised, but they are easily silenced into going along by feeding them BLM and rainbow flag talking points to keep them pliant. Labor doesn't matter to the Democrats anymore.

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The Progressives are directly responsible for the corporatist kleptocracy that afflicts us.

Both the DNC and GOP are progressive to the core, comprising the omnipotent government they have created which, along with its orbiting constellation of cronies, feeds voraciously off the sweat of the rest of us.

Income taxes, central banking and the regulatory state are the core progressive institutions, all of which are the ruler's engines of mass theft and are thus thoroughly bi-partisan, which is why they are never, ever, questioned or even discussed, except at the margins.

All else are just shiny objects, a modern version of Panem et Circenses to keep Boobus Americanus squabbling among themselves while the progressive ruling class laughs all the way to the bank.

I wonder what would happen if folks just stopped voting for them?

"It is the state that is robbing all classes, rich and poor, black and white, worker and businessman alike; it is the state that is ripping us all off; it is the state that is the common enemy of mankind."

~ Murray Rothbard

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Combination of both, I suspect.

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I keep telling people to focus and look at the bigger picture...fear keeps them from seeing beyond the 1 in one millionth chance of their kid dying from covid. The "powers" that be did a number on some.

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Thank you for the pep talk. I'm trying to stay the course in a state where the masses are gleefully flinging away their rights. It's terrifying.

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I don't think it's so much the "masses" as the zoom/netflix/amazon delivered to your door class. And Academia, which is sad, but predictable.

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You can't comply your way out of tyranny.

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How to destroy a country by 1,000 cuts: "Oregon Gov. Kate Brown privately signed a bill last month ending the requirement for high school students to prove proficiency in reading, writing, and arithmetic before graduation. Brown, a Democrat, did not hold a public signing or issue a press release regarding the passing of Senate Bill 744 on July 14, and the measure, which was approved by lawmakers in June, was not added into the state's legislative database until more than two weeks later on July 29, an unusually quiet [not to say, secret] approach to enacting [secret] legislation, according to the Oregonian."

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Good. Gods. I'm absolutely speechless.

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There's never a point "from which there is no return".

If that were true, there would be a point at which it was no longer worth fighting.

Granted, the farther we let it go, the HARDER it gets to return.

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perhaps, but there is certainly a point past which you're going to lose generations.

as the chines how the cultural revolution went or the russians on the soviet takeover and whether they ever really got free.

cuba, north korea, a lot of these get very long lived and essentially impossible to fight from inside once sufficiently entrenched.

the kind of war it takes to get free from that is no joke and seems to rarely come from within.

remember the arab spring? how'd that wind up?

or iran.

i get your point, but over the course of a human lifetime, it may be a distinction without much difference.

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I agree with you. The totalitarian tsunami has been building since 9/11.

The "Patriot Act™" that was in the can, ready to pop that drastically increased State powers while both expanding and consolidating the U.S. security and surveillance state under the thoroughly Orwellian umbrella of "Homeland Security™", empowering the beast to spy on all of us as per Total Information Awareness™.

The propaganda blitz preceding the 2003 Iraq invasion was but a dry run for the Covidian Bullshit Blitz we are currently enjoying, both of which use the same playbook:

"[T]he people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.”

~ Herman Goering

I remember balking at the propaganda back in '03 and being pilloried for it, just as those of us on team reality are now.

Since then, we have been subjected to a non-stop campaign of fear propaganda, "terrorist" false flags and entrapment schemes too varied and numerous to list here, that have positioned the rulers for the final putsch against what is left of our free society.

Vaccine mandates and passports are the inflection point.

I truly fear that this is the last line of defense to stop this onslaught peacefully.

I for one don't want my children to grow up in the world these bastards have planned for us.

I will not comply.

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Exactly. I don't care that they call me names now because they already called me unpatriotic for seeing through the Iraq BS 20 years ago. I don't take criticism from people I wouldn't take advice from.

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There is nothing more patriotic than opposing foreign entanglements. Our nation was literally founded upon this principle, among others.

And there is nothing more cowardly than allowing oneself to be spooked along with the rest of the herd to the detriment of one's family, friends, and fellow citizens, either knowingly or through negligent ignorance.

I was fortunate to be raised in a time and place where such people were few and far between, and certainly were not among our family and friends.

Now they are everywhere ascendant, and buffeted by a ceaseless cacophony of nonsensical and contradictory bullshit, which is swallowed in an almost stream-of-consciousness fashion, with no memory of the previous instant and unflinching acceptance of the incoming narrative.

It is truly something to behold.

"Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

~ Alice in Wonderland

Such is the state of what's left of the free world.

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Quite so. When I'm in the gulag, or in front of the firing squad, it will be small comfort to think that in a few generations the regime that put me there might be overthrown.

Hopefully I'm there because I did something to make that outcome more likely.

But obviously, better to stop it before it gets anywhere near that point.

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El Gato tiene razón.

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arab spring was a tool used to oust assad, but putin thought better, syria had been a russia vassal since 1970. when theat was outed 'arab spring' became another outside supressor.

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one day the japanese imperial general staff's comment: 'in usa there is a gun behind every blade of grass" may be operative......

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How many were born, lived their whole lives, and died under communist rule in the former Soviet Union?

The point is to stop this juggernaut before it gets too far and the cost of righting things becomes very high.

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Diminishing returns is another important aspect to protesting now. Every time the biofascists throttle the op up and then down and then up again, the results of the operation diminish and the costs rise. Like an addict, the op needs greater and greater levels of fabricated and absurdly false fear porn to achieve the same high. I suspect that is one reason, among many, the rush is on to lock in their benefits by slicing up and isolating segments of the population and forcing mandates--HCPs, military, school kids--to prevent development of protests of the sort emanuelle is facing, which are just a few steps away from boiling over into serious organized revolt. Once cops join the revolt, it is game over. I don;t see that happening in the US, but that may be because I live in full throttle DNC town.

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"freedom is what freedom does."

Words to live by.

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I recognize that this is way easier said than done, but the nurses in yoru picture, of which I assume are in the minority, should quit. Find something else. I dont know what else to tell them. They are going to be forced to take it.

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what they need to do is organize and make demands in a block. you might let one doctor or nurse leave, but not 20 or 40.

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40% of nurses and staff in some settings are unvaxxed, they are the skeptics

who ask where is the consumer risk?

the tests tout statistics that were washed, wrung out, rinsed repeated.. and come up with numbers short of valid. and that is the effective domain, the suitability of the jabs is utterly untested.

as el gato malo says see how they run w/o the tiinking nurses.

do you want some tiktok dancing lemming changing your bedpan?

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I dont buy that. 40%! I find that hard to believe. I think more like 20% max and most of them are probably in small medical clinics. Just a hunch. We need to keep complaining. Thats it. Every little time they do the same thing over and over, let your Board of health hear about it, let your shchool nurse hear about it, like the leader of the parents chat at your kids college hear about it...over and over and over again.

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it was 41% of the uninfected in the cleveland clinic staff. (and they likely had first dibs on vax)

(so almost certainly higher overall as i suspect most docs that had covid and recovered chose not to vax)

link to study here:


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interesting. total silence on this as the goal is 100pct vaccination and boosters. If you're in the medical sciences, selling medication, you want to figure out a way to get healthy people to pay five dollars, a hundred dollars on pills they need not to grow bigger muscles or have good gut health...but to survive. Thyroid medication...anti depressants for the seriously bipolar. Estrogen pills for transwomen. They need those drugs to live. So in theory, if you're in that business, you need poisoned air, poisoned food, poisoned water, so the healthy NEED anti poison pills to live. That is coming.

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Right here right now thanks

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And the media shyster/enabler complex plays along literally without a single question or second thought about any of it. Today's sampling. Truly sickening.




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As Lies Are Unbekoming, another stacker, calls them: The Medical-Government-Media (MGM) Triad. Highly recommend his stack.

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