Bounty Brief #53
🔥Hot on ETH week, 13 Bounties dropping today including some from non-ETH projects!
Hey bounty hunters, we’ve got 13 bounties for you dropping Friday! Including: Solana, Sushiswap, Terra, and RockPool!
See them all below — plus a preview of next week’s bounties! And don’t forget to join us on Discord to keep up with the latest bounties and news from Flipside.
[Easy] Solana NFT Purchasing Behavior
Bounty: Up to 1.44 SOL
Show the distribution of all Solana NFT sales on Solana. What percentage of all sales have been above 1 SOL? Above 10 sol? How many unique wallets have made an NFT purchase that was above 10 SOL? Above 100 SOL? Do you think that there is a limit to how high a floor for an NFT collection on Solana can reach compared to on Ethereum?
[Medium] Solana NFT Growth
Bounty: Up to 4.35 SOL
Create a series of dashboards that track the following metrics with Solana NFTs: -Total mints and growth rates of mints over time -Total NFT sales and growth rates of sales over time -Total unique wallets that have minted or purchased a Solana NFT and growth rates over time -Total Unique Signers of Metaplex programs -Total minters of NFTs using Candy Machine V1 and total minters of NFTs using Candy Machine V2 -Total users of Metaplex's Auction House program.
[Medium] Friktion's Crab Strategy
Bounty: Up to 2.16 SOL
Track the deposit activity into the Crab Volt. How many unique wallets have used the strategy since April 11th? What other Friktion Volts have these wallets used since March 1st? What is the crossover between the Volt #1 Bitcoin strategy and the Crab Volt? Why would a wallet prefer to use this Crab Volt instead of the other products?
[Medium] Tracking top Solana NFT Collections
Bounty: Up to 2.16 SOL
How much wallet crossover is there between some of the top collections? What is the average time between buying and selling for each each collection? How likely are wallets to buy back into a collection after selling?
[Medium] RocketPool Recent Activity
Bounty: Up to 225 USDC
Using the Ethereum_core schema, analyze inflows and outflows to RocketPool over the past three months. As we near the ETH 2 merge, are there any emerging trends? What is the average deposit size and how has that changed vs. historical performance?
[Medium] RocketPool: User Profile - LIDO vs. RocketPool
Bounty: Up to 375 USDC
Compare and contrast activity on RocketPool vs. Lido over the past three months. Is one growing more quickly than the other? Can we conclude if one of these applications is better for users than the other? Are there different types of users using RocketPool compared to Lido, or are the user profiles similar? Visualize and explain your conclusions.
[Easy] Trident
Bounty: Up to 45.45 SUSHI
Describe using a visual document how Sushi's Trident works and compare, if possible, with other similar products in Defi.
[Medium] Withdraw to my wallet or to my Bentobox?
Bounty: Up to 90.9 SUSHI
What percentage of users choose to withdraw directly to their wallet rather than withdrawing to bentobox when they perform a borrowing or when they withdraw from lending? Hint: look for "LogWithdraw" events. This event will show you what token is withdrawn from your bento address to your wallet address. In order to make sure this has been a lending or borrowing operation, you need to make sure you can find a "Kashi medium risk" token in other events of the same transaction.
[Easy] Let it Burn
Bounty: Up to 1.74 LUNA
Find the week that the most volume of Luna burning happened. What caused this event? Show some effects of this burning had on Terra ecosystem by your opinion.
[Easy] Bots and success rate
Bounty: Up to 1.74 LUNA
Compare the success rate of transactions executed by bots in the past 60 days with average users' transactions in the same time period. Is there any difference and any trends identifiable?
[Medium] Bot Swappers
Bounty: Up to 2.61 LUNA
How does the behaviour of bots differ from average swappers? For instance in terms of number of swaps, or in terms of distribution of swaps over a day.
[Medium] Validator Voting vs. Investor Inclinations
Bounty: Up to 2.61 LUNA
Analyze the last 5 governance proposals. Out of the total Luna that voted in favor, how many % are from validators vs. retail investors for each proposal and on average?
[Medium] The Eclipse Score
Bounty: Up to 5.22 LUNA
Invent an easy-to use "Eclipse Score", based on at least 3 metrics, to display validators who are not effectively representing their delegators via voting.
Coming Next Week: Kinetic Bounties
Kinetic offers auto-repaying loans granting you access to your future yields today.
We’re adding new data and bounties to our collection every week. Next week, we have Kinetic!
Want to get involved with our upcoming bounties? Have a question you want to see as a bounty? Let us know on Discord!
Good luck with your bounties this week🤞🍀 Make sure you join our community on Discord to keep up with all things bounties and get answers to any questions you have about solving our queries:
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