TerraSwap Liquidity Distribution

    Terra dApp Pools outrank any other pools

    Looking at all the pools in the Terra ecosystem — ANC-UST, MINE-UST and MIR-UST pools outrank any of the other pools by quite a margin. This is not surprising given the attractive APRs on offer.

    Number of daily LPs are recovering from the March crypto crash

    The number of daily LPs peaked around 3000 in March 2021 before the crypto crash. Since then, daily number of LPs has falled below 1000 but in the past couple of weeks, this metric is showing signs of recovery. Since August 20th, we've breached the 1000 barrier consistently over consecutive days.

    Most Prolific LPs

    Looking at the list of the most prolific LPs, one wallet stands clear amongst all others — terra1t58pt7mgj30cgm682zn3s4rykvxa9p7t0jl0xm has provided about 750 million UST worth of liquidity to various pools. The next wallet is almost 2x less.

    terra1c5jtdvys9etllsr40s8q6hp0satxw0j4ptshrr rounds out our top 10 with 42 million UST of liquidity.

    About Terraswap

    Launched On November 13, 2020, Terraswap Creates Automatic, Decentralized Markets Enabling Users To Exchange Assets Directly On The Terra Blockchain.Terraswap Serves As A Smart Contract Interface To Exchange Native Terra Assets (LUNA, UST, KRT, Etc.) And User-Defined CW20 Tokens. Terraswap Also Provides An Interface For Users To Become Liquidity Providers By Depositing Assets To Terraswap Pools.

    Terraswap Is A Uniswap-Inspired Automated Market-Maker (AMM) Protocol Implemented With Smart Contracts On The Terra Blockchain. This Enables A Decentralized On-Chain Exchange For The Various Assets Involved In Terra Ecosystem.

    Liquidity Pools

    Terraswap Creates Automated Markets For Pairs Of Tokens (Or Native Terra Coins Like UST) Called Pools Which Enable Users To Exchange One Asset For The Other Directly On-Chain. Pools Maintain Balances Of Both Assets, To Which Users Can Provide Liquidity In Exchange For Reward-Bearing LP Tokens.

    LP Commission

    In order to compensate liquidity providers, Terraswap charges an LP Commission on each trade. The fee returns to the pool to serve as a reward for LP token holders and can only be withdrawn by burning LP tokens and reclaiming a portion of the pool.

    In Mirror, each liquidity pool for mAssets/MIR has a fixed LP commission fee of 0.3%. This fee is levied on the trader and is received as mAssets/MIR or UST, depending on the direction of the trade.

    Liquidity Distribution

    Let's start by looking at the distribution of the number of LPs within various buckets of liquidity amounts.

    1. Not surprisingly, the most number of LPs (9403) are in the "1K-10K UST" bucket.
    2. Surprisingly, there are only 4 LPs in the "< 1K UST" bucket!
    3. The other largest buckets are the "10K-100K UST" and "100K-1M UST" with a total of almost 8K LPs.
    4. There are a total of 450 LPs in the millionaire buckets (> 1M UST)

    Note: In all these charts, I'm only looking at the total liquidity provided over time. I'm not looking at the current liquidity which would be Provided Liquidity - Withdrawn Liqudity. While this doesn't get us the current liquidity, it answers the question asked in the bounty - "Among liquidity providers on TerraSwap, how equally distributed is the liquidity? Do just a few LPs provide most of the overall liquidity, or is it more egalitarian?" i.e. how many different LP providers exist.
