Doesn't this all fall back on the [should be] illegal Citizens United decision? We need to take out the dark money and make politicians actually listen to their voters, rather than have them owing their job to corporate America. To not do this is, In My Humble Opinion, the end of the republic and the complete and final takeover of our government by the oligarchy, which at this point doesn't have far to go.

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So right you are unfortunately! Your JAB is well timed indeed.

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Where does one even begin? I expect to see R’s in that list of politicos who keep dirty donations, but D’s?! And Schumer!?! WTF

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They are one in the same for accepting money from PACs until they are caught. Their first mission is always to get re-elected. Always.

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As devil’s advocate here, I see that most donations were prior to the invasion of Ukraine. We’ve yet to see whether the the MOC’s mentioned may be encouraged to return or donate to charity the donations exposed here on popular info.

someone in the comments seemed shocked that Schumer accepted donations. They all accept donations from anyone until public scrutiny calls them out. So thanks again to Judd

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I hope that those listed here get on the band wagon and return the $. Already. When can citizens united be challenged...somebody can get it started....

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Sharing this far and wide! Thank you again!

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Both sides of the political ailse lining pockets with PAC money forged in RUSSIA

I hate to tell you I

told you so...


The victories are small but worthwhile.

Thanks for the awesome article Judd and crew

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