This is the Republican playbook in a nutshell. When they can't win legitimately, they cry fraud and try to game the system.

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The Democrats are at an extreme disadvantage. I hate trump with every fiber of my being but we are never going to win by playing fair and trying to play towards the middle. Trump can go out on stage and lie for hours while republican enablers continue to claim the election was stolen. Nothing is going to change and the gullible people in the center are going to flock towards trump. We need someone to swing the pendulum all the way to left for the next four years. As soon as republicans retake the majority, they will ram through more legislation and install more judges. The left had better take the gloves off or this is only going to get worse.

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Amen, the Republicans have made it clear they are snakes and unless we remove the filibuster and stop trying to "fair players" we are doomed. As soon as we Ram through our agenda, the American People will NEVER vote Reuplican again.

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The Republicans who venerate Trump are, sadly and frustratingly, blinded by the Trump promises, promises he can’t possibly keep as well as being convinced that his lies are truth. My best friend (?) out of the blue completely lost it at me after the election and lopped me off her dance card! People who love Trump are just as scary to me as the Jim Jones People’s Church Cult - they of the origional Guiana koolaid fame! Trumpers who stormed the Capitol said they were willing to die to fulfill their Leader’s wishes. That’s down right terrifying to me!

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Honestly, if you're not frightened by what's going on, I would respectfully submit that you're not paying attention. Again, this point cannot be forgotten: One of our two major political parties has completely abandoned all pretense that it respects democracy and is actively and openly trying to usurp power by preventing its opponents from voting. The Republicans' sole "raison d'etre" at this point is to gain power and then keep it. Period. And clearly at this point, it will do anything to achieve this goal.

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I passed fear about 18 months ago. Now I am fighting mad. And I mean "fighting". I am ready to go to war over this. Unfortunately, I believe we will, at some point, have a second Civil War.

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Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda and now... here we are. Ultimately I sincerely blame Democrats and their unwillingness to put down the Republicans for good every previous chance they had. But now that we’re here, at the crossroads of where we once again have a chance to stop this once and for all, what will Democrats do with the opportunity?

Will they...

A) Stand up to Republicans forcefully and use their recently acquired dual majority to swiftly put down Republican’s corruption because they know Republicans are corrupt, evil fu*kers & completely without any hope of any redemption

B) Negotiate in good faith with the belief that this time it will be different because Republicans are basically good people who are just misunderstood

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no more Mr Nice Guy with GQP

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I hate and despise the Republican party. We need to quit pussy footin' around and get down and dirty when dealing with them. Damn the Torpedos, full speed ahead!

Now that the emotional outburst is over...

The 43 states represent the middle part of the country, the south and some of the West all with Republican state legislatures. Can't do much about them. If you look at the map that elected Biden it was the big population edges of the country with a few middle and southern states where the votes were tight like GA, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada. GA has certainly been among the first state legislatures to try to kill voting rights this session.

So here we sit and unless those often disenfranchised get active and vote anyway they can, which is a hope and a prayer, 2022 and 24 will return minority rule to the Executive branch just like Trump believes it will. He is overdue for SCOTUS win and this decision would benefit GOP forever and a day.

It stinks like the cesspool GOP has become.

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PS and Legislative branch, too ie Congress

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End the filibuster.

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AND gerrymandering.

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Boy, Howdy! Ain’t that the Truth!

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No matter what excuses given by the Republicans to restrict voting rights we know the REAL REASONS...racism, misogyny, fear, power and money. Their use of ‘smoke and mirrors’ to get away with voter manipulation and voter suppression MUST BE STOPPED ONCE AND FOR ALL or we will tumble into the fascist country we almost became. We are on a precipice.

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What's amazing to me is that the American Public can't tell the difference between performance Politics and those that are trying to get something done and NOBODY is stepping up and telling them the difference. Any idiot can't point and snort at other peoples work but when you ask them what their solution to the problem is, they change the subject. The "news" NEVER asks the one pointing and snorting what their solution is, they just let the fakers ramble on about "fascism" "radical liberals" etc. Until they are held to account for their talk, the American public, that is only interest in following the, Housewives of the place Du jour, will keep allowing themselves to get jacked up by the BS on the right and we are just going around in circles. Isn't there a better way to educate the masses on these topics?

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civics education grades 5 to 12, should be mandatory for our democracy in the long run. History is not enough to detail how and why we are a democratic experiment.

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An answer in search of a problem. The GOP are such unmitigated, greedy scumbags.

The "rank and file" only like Democracy if their candidate wins. And, they don't even care about policy. All they care about is "winning the game." So they can look their opponent in the face and say "Ha!" To them, the outcome of critical elections may as well be another weekend of WWE Smack Down.

GOP politicos & big money are so irrationally greedy, they don't see anything unless it's got Dollar signs on it. And, the future can go hang itself because once they've got all the moneys they can just build a little underground bunker (or something.)

The "moral majority" is so zombified. They call themselves Christians, but they view Jesus as more of a minor figure in Christianity. They've either rationalized everything Jesus said so it applies only to other Christians of their sect (i.e., the Righteous.) And, worshipping false idols (like Trump, or Dollars) is encouraged! And of course, poor people (& sick people & people otherwise in need of help) are evil; otherwise, God wouldn't have made them poor. Conveniently this sanctifies spitting down on the poors, & turning your back on anyone in need--even relatives or friends.

If the GOP continues to handle politics as nothing more than shallow a game. And if they do not stop casting Democrats as cannibal, pedophile Satan-worshipers (or w/e), democracy is not going to survive many more cycles in this place.

I worry for America. I worry more for individual people who are hurting.

"We never do evil so thoroughly & heartily as when led to it by an honest but perverted, because mistaken, conscience." ~Tryon Edwards

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The only way for Reps to win is to cheat, disenfranchise & restrict voting for Amy people most likely to vote Democrat. They would love to adopt early America ideas that only “wealthy, white land-owning men can vote” policies.

Reps make it clear they think very little of the “peasants & rabble” & tolerate the poor whites for votes but have no need at all for poor blacks & other minorities. They hate the idea of actually giving ALL citizens the right to have a say in who runs this country.

Democratic leadership better not continue to sit on their docile asses & not make these efforts widely known & shame them for it. But considering theres no widespread effort to expose this except by you & a handful of others, I’m guessing they still haven’t learned a thing about how to fight a modern cultural war. They are assuredly shuffling procedural papers to send out strongly worded emails no one will see...

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The Democrats are not at a disadvantage. Them always thinking they are helps McConnell. They have legitimate ways to combat this bullshit...truth. It's wearisome to keep stomping out the first Republicans set but Democrats don't need to resort to weaponizing lies. They can weaponize the truth and quit playing nice thinking the GOP has integrity, shame and political morality...they don't. Conduct yourself accordingly but with the facts

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If the GOP wants restrictions on the right to vote, there's a majority on the SCOTUS happy to oblige, law and precedent be damned. Meanwhile, the mainstream tells us that the health of the GOP is important...

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This excerpt from a news report on oral arguments in the Supreme Court today pretty much says it all. Republicans are so emboldened and have so much trust that the 6-3 conservative majority will rule in their favor, they no longer hesitate to say the quiet part out loud.

“A significant moment during virtual arguments came when Arizona GOP lawyer Michael Carvin connected the validity of the Republican-backed laws to the party’s interest in winning elections. When asked by Barrett what the state Republican Party’s interest in the case was, he replied: ‘Because it puts us at a competitive disadvantage relative to Democrats.’”

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So we need to fix that problem, SCOTUS needs to be adjusted for our new reality. Increase the supreme court to reflect the citizens of the country.

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