Jan 23, 2022·edited Jan 24, 2022

Well done, Bettina and Greg, with uncovering this scandalous story.

There's a lot of detail here (thanks again!) so I'll try to read it carefully and publicise as I can.

I feel this is almost our last roll of the dice. If we can't get through to a "conservative" government that a blatant swindle has occurred - well documented and with horrible consequences (as warned by the NSW bar association) - then nothing ever will.

2021 was a watershed year. In the space of one year we had Brittany Higgins and #enoughisenough get what they wanted. We also had Grace Tame as Australian of the Year given a podium to lecture us, and now a recommendation for Nina Funnell to give us more of the same. Our universities embarked on another round of finding "shocking" statistics for campus sexual assault - despite Bettina's exposure of the bs in the first round and a feeble attempt by the Morrison government to ensure due process. "Coercive control" and "enthusiastic consent" laws were pushed through several parliaments, and are in the offing for others.

I found the survey, linked from https://engage.dss.gov.au/draft-national-plan-to-end-violence-against-women-and-children-2022-2032/. When I follow the link to the survey I find it's open until Friday 25th February, 2022, so there are a few weeks to do it. Still, doing it by the end of January might be a good idea to be safe. I note that "The scoping questionnaire ... requires the respondent to have read or be familiar with the draft National Plan". So, a little reading is required before doing the survey.

As you say, Bettina, it's probably a "laydown misere", but I also see it as our last roll of the dice.

Meanwhile, my conservative friends are feeling upbeat about having a TradCon as NSW premier (very apropos here!!!) and the chances of success for the Religious Discrimination Bill. A large part of our problem is that too many conservatives are either sympathetic to feminism ("white knighting"), or are scared to call out the elephant in the room. The Oz edition of The Spectator is a creditable and rare exception.

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domestic violence and misleading data, Does not surprise me one iota. Ill share a bit of a personal story here. I was approached by a female politician who gave me her private contact and said I am interested in your story please contact me. So I did, I made an appointment and turned up to her Central Coast office her private secretary sat with me for about 2 hours. at The end of the conversation, she said ( she was a 60 something aging feminazi ) you are not an expert in your field, to which I replied no im not. But is that the criteria, if so good bye end of conversation. Then in the way out she handed me s one useless pampletes about dinky support groups etc. ( FOR ME ) I was interested and passionate about getting the new cross the table that to even call mens issues Mental health Issues frankly its insulting to them. Its a heart and soul disavowal. it disgusts me and I cant stand the blah blah blah spouting from angry woman mouths. I wish the y would shut up and read. do the research and walk the talk . I have an look who's listening NO one.

Forge ahead. One day they will all wake the F -- Up.

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Thank you Bettina. Agree Topsy, these have been our experiences also. The whole story is not told. Untruths are told and believed.

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I am astounded how bad laws such as consent laws are passed. In Queensland there was a report done for introducing a bad law called Coercive Control. The committee was all female and the laws will pass without an objection. Laws such as these are introduced on emotion. In Queensland a father set fire to his family and the girls parents pushed to get these laws through as they claimed Coercive control by the perpetrator led to his final act of murder. I see in the future a husband or partner will say stop wasting money on grog, stop neglecting the children and be a better mother, feed your babies instead of taking drugs etc., this will then be seen as controlling the female. This bad law then can see a man locked up after the woman makes a complaint. Unfortunately in the real world women will be murdered and men will be murdered but crap laws can’t stop murder. The only thing that happens is politicians score some brownie points from a family tragedy.

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I have been noting the rise and rise of the fanatic feminist movement through the Universities since the mid 60's. What is not 'publicised' is the intense study done by these academics on manipulation of the masses through consistent and constant propaganda, similar to that used by Goebbels in Nazi Germany. The effeminate Media is now willing and active participant.

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Keep up the good work Bettina, and to those other - Greg Andersen, thanks for your commitment to fairer laws for the whole community

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I'm a bloke and without Bettina wouldn't have known anything about these arrant injustices. Keep up the good work Bettina, you have this bloke's support. There is a comment or two I could make about your 'opposition', but it wouldn't be PC. I can't begin to imagine what is the mindset of the 'feminine' man-haters...

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Jan 19, 2022·edited Jan 19, 2022

Well said, and well done Bettina. We had first hand experience of this in the Family Court where a lying woman's words were held higher and taken as the honest truth under oath with no repercussions on her. The man in this case was definitely not treated equally. I also agree totally with Joseph Alexander Gomory's comments.

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Keep up the good work Bettina. Only strong women can defeat the misandrist feminists. When a man disagrees with these feminists he gets accused of being a misogynist.

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The people making the most noise are in vote significant numbers. Men are no following the debate because they dont know about it and/or think it will never affect them. So politicians cave every time. Someone needs to stand for the senate on this issue.If it is a man he will have accusations of sexual misconduct fabricateed against him. So we need a very strong woman. Solicitor would be great. Where is she? I know bettina does not want that role.

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Excellent material Bettina. Great policy distortions and legislative bias will come form this particular factoid

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