". . . if the US paid chinese labs to make this and they leaked it and both countries’ health agencies colluded it cover it up, this is the crime of the millennium." Not it's not. If both countries' health agencies subsequently conspired to suppress life-saving treatments that could've saved millions of lives in order to preserve their right to force billions of people to take a patented vaccine at taxpayer expense that has killed thousands and barely slowed the spread of the disease, THAT would be the crime of the millenium.

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Peter Dasak blocked me on Twitter because I told him he needed to be in jail

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Angela Rasmussen only seems upset because the scandal is causing her"profession" to be "disparaged" by "opportunists and grifters", presumably like this substack's author.

As opposed to, you know, being upset that human civilization is being put in danger.

She seems like a real piece of work.

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And in the article above, it says EcoHealth experimented with changing a spike protein of a bat coronavirus POISED for human emergence......so there was nothing that guaranteed a natural bat virus was on the verge of causing a pandemic so the bastards made sure we got a man made one bc of their sinister purposes. Leave the bats alone, stay away from their caves, work on remedies for diseases already here...ALS, DM,CKD,CHF and the list goes on. And as far as Fauci, off with his head. Even if he resigns, he will go back into research. That is the last thing he needs to be involved in. He needs to barred from anything to do with medicine and have his license revoked. IF we are lucky, on a dark night, someone will "bump" into him and that will be it. Dare to dream.

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Great article - thanks for all of the excellent content you've put out lately!

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Everyone involved in this gof project should be imprisoned for life. No exceptions.

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EcoHealth was once named BioPort Labs.. kinda like Blackwater switching to Xe, Acadame etc.. their business model is well known to DC players and they're selected because of their appetite to "color outside the lines" as dirtbags like to call it. These are Rumsfeld's anthrax vaccine buddies he went to great lengths to get them to compliance for the anthrax vaccine.. Rhe same circle of friendsters also ran the H1N1 "Rummy flu" treated w Cipro from Gilead where Rummy had been CEO.. it's so incestuous the lies are only meant to fool the public..

Back to EH - Whitney Webb has done fab current reporting around the vaccines and profiteering Great Reset cabal including trolling Daszak on Twitter, but there's some solid archives you likely can't find for BioPort/Ecohealth. Rumors of Carlyle Group having an equity stake is still unverified but sometimes the first drat of history has clues we don't see until later.

Old school wiki - Jim Rarey 2001. https://web.archive.org/web/20021003033034/http://educate-yourself.org/vcd/vcdanthraxvacsanfu10oct01.shtml

The Nation - Jeremy Scahill 2005


Organic Consumers has a nice set of links for Whitney because these gain of function psychos are the same Monsanto/Bayer/AstraZenica Bill Gates, FDA players, labs & fronts we've watched since 1997 with gmo food tech evolved into the CRISPR revolution!


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Let’s focus on the most immediate downstream danger! https://standforhealthfreedom.com/action/no-to-covid-vaxs-for-kids/

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So by updating their reporting, they can “come back into compliance with [their] NIH grant”? Maybe Mengele should have just tried being a little more transparent.

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Pants on fire, indeed, but let's not forget pants-on-head-retarded. I've said it multiple times now, but I'll say it again: Fauci has to be a complete imbecile to have willingly served as the frontman for this fiasco. Sooner rather than later, the world is going to need a fall guy (or two).

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They lied about Lab Leak

They lied about Masks

They lied about Gain-of-Function

They lied about the vaccines stopping transmission (then lied that they never said they would)

Good thing they didn't lie to us about how safe the vaccines are....

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Wow. Wow wow wow.

When doctors ask me why I do not have confidence in the vaccines, I tell them that one of the primary reasons is that it is overwhelmingly obvious that the CDC and NIH have been lying about what was going on over at the WIV.

Most MDs admit up front that yes, indeed, there is no question that “the messaging” and a few policy decisions were not well done and their credibility took a hit BUT what they are saying about the vaccines is 100% true.


These people are more than happy to lie about EcoHealth, WIH and what was funded and what the NIH knew. It is not possible they also are not lying about the vaccines.

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The whole covid affair is slowly morphing into an insanely outlandish movie script.

-Developed what can only be described as weapons grade, novel virus, then allowed it into the world possibly (probably?) deliberately by the CCP- then lied to the world about it.

-Rushed out a "vaccine" with highly dubious efficacy and no long term impact testing - then lied to the world about it.

-Simultainously surpressed any discussion on "vaccine" alternatives - then lied to the world about it.

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It’s not too late to comment to the FDA before they approve this poison for kids! https://standforhealthfreedom.com/action/no-to-covid-vaxs-for-kids/

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This is what is called in politics a limited modified hang-out. The problem all along has been the Daszak bragging from 2019- that could not be retconned and eliminated from internet history (though I imagine a lot of thought and planning went into trying to find a way to do so, but ultimately proved impossible to achieve), and because of that, the grant proposal itself couldn't be buried any longer. The NIH has cut Daszak loose here- now claiming they had no idea what Daszak had done. Daszak has tried to save himself by filing this late report (and I am giving the NIH the benefit of the doubt that they haven't been sitting on this for 2 years) which is all but sure to be a basic fraud by omission. Someone, somewhere needs to start a criminal investigation at the federal level getting all of Daszak's and EcoHealth's electronic data- I am sure such an investigation will demonstrate either the truth or gaping holes where data used to be.

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Thanks for being awesome

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