Feb 7, 2022·edited Feb 7, 2022Liked by Biernutz_71


You articulated a similar hypothesis I've had. You delimit it using the existing security classification system. That makes perfect sense. Information is power. Without access to classified information they can't really do anything of substance, except cause chaos and harm...which is exactly what they've been doing.

The inference is they all are in on it. They are knowingly pretending to be in power and up until now the media has let them get away with it. Perhaps the AP reporter Matt Lee's persistent question signals a lifting of the veil. A similar badgering occurred during a White House press conference directed at Psaki. The reporter demanded proof. The WH Spokesman's word wasn't accepted anymore.

They are all in on it. The Biden regime theater company and those muppets in congress. They are posers. They are play-acting. They have only limited powers.

If true, then once the veil lifts and everyone sees the emperor has no clothes, arrests will follow.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Biernutz_71

I love reading your thoughts. Always reasonable as well as plausible. That press conference really did show what a charade they are operating under. My mind hadn't taken it that far. Great read. Thank you.

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I’m looking at event now through an additional filter so thanks for that. Unclassified intelligence would explain Potatus’ disasters. We people here, TG and FA would have made sure AFG was a “perfect” withdrawal. Those bozos are worse than inept, they’re stupid. Every day they look more and more stupid. Winning!

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Feb 7, 2022·edited Feb 7, 2022Liked by Biernutz_71

Let's say you knowingly worked with a foreign country to steal an election for yourself. Let's also say that the US military knew what you did and locked you out of intelligence meetings. What recourse would you have? If you say the Pentagon won't share intelligence with your administration, then the Pentagon might say they have evidence that the election was stolen and since you did, well that's a risky road you don't want to take.

So your options are to just continue to act like you are a legitimate president. Acting like a president while not being a president is risky too though because sooner or later people are going to start noticing and *asking questions* (enter Matt Lee).

Surely we can ask all sorts of questions here if this is the case. The first question I'm now asking is this: *IF* Joe Biden did steal the election with the help of a foreign government and *IF* he has been cut off from intelligence from the start, well how does Joe Biden react when he "assumes office" blind to the possible attacks against his illegitimate presidency? I don't know Joe, but seems like it is plausible he might put up razor wire fence all around D.C. and then invite 30,000 national guard troops to defend him against any unknown attacks....but, of course, even then, he'd still have to make sure that none of the troops were Trump supporters who believed he had stolen the election.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Biernutz_71

I agree - I am sure this is happening!!! Just considering that Special Forces has a new chain of command & is in an on-going operation to ferret out CCP involvement in the election would mean Biden's people could NOT be given security clearances!!!

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Biernutz, great question and awesome spitball. It explains a lot and I think you're over target.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Biernutz_71

Excellent and thank you.

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Feb 9, 2022Liked by Biernutz_71

Brilliant reasoning on something so easily overlooked. Thanks for expanding my level of discernment. Much appreciation!

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Biernutz_71

Thank You Biernutz, God bless 🙏

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Biernutz_71

All I can say is... this makes total sense. Glad you tagged that fly

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Thank you for giving insight to my "gut feelings". No need for Rolaids now.

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