The incompetence is so bad that it has to be intentional. You'll own nothing and you'll be happy!

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Explain, exactly, what policies Biden implemented have resulted in increased inflation? I'll wait. forever.

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you fail at understanding because you compartmentalize. you seem to think that it is left vs right... it isn't. It is top vs everyone else. has been since time immemorial. step left, step right, keep marching forward to the predetermined destination.

so rather than pitch your tired political narrative, use nature as your guidance. you have two ears and one mouth. get the hint?

btw, you do know Biden is one of the longest serving representatives, right? he actually has more to do with inflation than any other president besides clinton who offshored our manufacturing (the d & p in gdp) and restructured banking to facilitate easy credit and more leverage.

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Cancelling Keystone Pipeline XL. Banning fracking (while breaking a key campaign promise). Increased regulations for energy companies. Massive govt spending. This is basic Econ 101, sir.

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Packy McCormick persuasively argued that politics can solve this issue if we rally around a candidate who popularizes making every citizen an investor. Maybe time for Pomp and Packy to team up and run for office.


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You're a fucking moron. No, this inflation has NOTHING to do with fiscal policy over the past 24 months, you fucking idiot. I fucking love that you don't even explain which policies it was that affected it. Not one. That's because it actually has to do with the pandemic and the Ukraine invasion, and it started happening under Trump as a result of HIS disastrous Tax Break for the Wealthy. You're just another greedy partisan sack of shit hack who long ago abandoned the truth for propaganda. Get fucked, you pathetic republican shill.

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You sir are an example that no matter how much we try and educate people, there will also be some misinformed folks in denial like you who continue to put their head in the sand.

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You are spreading so much love and tolerance, comrade. Calling everyone you disagree with a sack of shit and a shill is kindergarten level, try using logic and rationality. One example of Biden directly causing inflation: he killed the Keystone pipeline with the stroke of a pen and has been limiting increased drilling, turning the US from energy independent to a net importer from places like Russia and Saudi Arabia. Gas prices almost doubled since he took office even before the Ukraine invasion.

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Better yet, go the fuck back to wherever the fuck you live and stay the fuck out of American politics bc it's clear you're not even remotely an American citizen. Just a pile of lukewarm dog shit regurgitating what your master told you to.

Keystone is still active, the extension was nixed and wouldn't be complete for 10 years. It did and does not effect domestic gas prices.

We were never energy independent, that's another Trumpian lie.

We decreased our reliance on SA and Russia, what the actual fuck you talking about?

Gas prices did not double. nor even nearly. And the pandemic/restrictions ending have way more to do with the supply/demand increase in gas prices.

You're a fucking moron.

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If you're a sack of shit, you're a sack of shit. Thanks for demonstrating that you are. He didn't kill the Keystone Pipeline, it is very much still in operation. What you meant to say is he denied a permitless request bc environmental impact reports weren't conducted bc they'd reveal that the pipeline would have infected the water supply of Native American tribal land, which is a violation of US Treaties with NA tribes. Furthermore, you fucking dimwitted SACK OF SHIT, the addition to the pipeline wouldn't have been done FOR A DECADE, so your argument is completely fucking moot.


He hasn't limited increased drilling. There are 9000 permits that are not used because OIL EXECS value PERSONAL profit over the American economy and refuse to drill. Not Biden's fault. IT's great you got all your talking points from Fox News but you're gonna have to actually critically think you fucking trashheap.

Gas prices have not doubled. And they weren't almost doubled before the invasion. The cost of gas has nothing to do with Biden's policies. Go back to basic fucking economics you sack of propagandist shit

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Chase, I strongly recommend staying away from mainstream media. 95% of ALL outlets are controlled by 6 company who are controlled by 3 asset managers who own each other and have cabinet positions. The very people that have transferred so much wealth to the top are the very ones who are feeding you the "hate the other" narrative. Good ol' divide and conquer and you bit, hook , line, and sinker.

But if I were to put the credit on one single thing, it would be the stimmy checks and unemployment that dumped cash into the market without increased GDP to offset. Yeah, that was Biden.

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Strange how inflation didn't occur until after Biden took office. How does a tax break lead to inflation exactly?

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Education on finance would of course benefit the average person, but it's not useful for the 45% that don't have anything extra to invest. What they need to do is to protest massively until the government reduces the spending and printing of money.

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We need to teach them how to increase their income, what fields to enter that are paying the best, how to save and then invest.

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Pomp, you've been doing outstanding work as far as educating the public for years, and had people listened years ago, they would be in a wonderful financial position right now. For those who didn't listen, the burden is their fault, because they've had years to prepare, but they were too busy spending like a reckless consumer. We win and they lose, everybody can't win.

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He literally hasn't been doing outstanding work, he's been shilling for the GOP and corporations while doing shit-nothing to actually educate anyone. He's a lying grifter. Just like you.

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So why are you here, exactly? To be a trollbot?

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Yet here you are, not only reading Pomp’s Letter, but also his comment section. You’re making no sense. Nothing else you say can be taken seriously lol.

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