"Remember that if you are going to fight with politicians, you will be spending time grappling in shit filled pens with swine." Word sleuth par excellence - thank you. Sending positive love and light, visions of extraordinary success in this venture!! ❤️

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DEAR CLIF, BEEN THERE, DONE THAT. PEYTON ET AL VS GOV SCOTT OF VT. THE courts and judges all corrupted, or else they wouldn't be there, have the audacity of a lipsticked pig dancing at a pulled pork festival, They ignore several constitutional guarantees to allow that the 11th states something it does not. It does not state that the individual cannot sue his own state or its public servants, but that one cannot sue another state and its servants. This has been decided to be ignored by agreement. Sovereign immunity will be their excuse for dismissing. I would go with many FOIA's instead and notices of liability.

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The approach that Dr David Martin and the constitutional law group has developed is excellent, they have preprepped an indictment, this you are to send to your county prosecutors and to your reps, it acts as notice as well, they will then be aware. You tell your reps, prosecutor, sherifs et al that if they will do the right thing and begin the indictment process you will connect them to Dr David Martins class action underway as a liaison, if they ignore or refuse to do their duty you will forward their name and number to the same as potential co defendants. You can find more here:https://www.constitutionallawgroup.us/attorney_general_document.php

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Dude… rarely (if ever) have I heard more true, factual, or just common sense reasoning from ANYBODY!! I’m truly rooting for you!!! I’ve had a judge tell me to my face (appearing per se) that I wasn’t “qualified” to interpret “the law”! My response was “excuse me? I can read & understand the English language just fine, thank you! Here’s how the law reads… “, and I read it out loud in court! She didn’t like that at all!!!! Got me absolutely nowhere! I’ve been watching the decline of this country, knowing what’s coming since the early ‘80’s and reading about the Rockefeller’s! To be honest, I’m battle weary! I’ve been ostracized & ridiculed by family & friends for sounding the alarm! I’ve been as faithful of a steward of truth as I could be, but it’s time for some others to step up to the plate! Clif, you’re a breath of fresh air that gives great hope! Carry on brave soldier!!

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Apr 3, 2022·edited Apr 3, 2022

“grappled with swine in shit filled pens”, although ive had the pleasure on a bit of a lesser level, you describe it perfectly Clif. So being battle-weary, as many are these days…I have a proposition. Please come up to Vancouver Island Clif. God knows we could use your grit, feist & determination here. In Victoria, we are swamped with leftist libtards, hell-bent on destroying the local economy, obsessed with race-baiting & gender-confusion agendas, whilst shoveling the walks in their birkenstocks.

To sweeten the pot, I’ll throw in a 10 yr supply of maple syrup, a chinese made mountie uniform & a used Jim Carey poster.

Please, we desperately need a real warrior up here to scare the shit outa these wacky bastards b4 what little we had of a society is kaput.

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Thank You Clif for your brilliant and beneficial information to humans!!!!!!

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I think DOJ just filed a suit @ the illegality of politicians who are signed members of the WEF not formally registering as 'a foreign agent' under U.S. statute.

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There was SOMETHING in the International Maritime CLOS laws too that had to do with, a certain amount of feet of the bank of the river was considered not the States property, and you weren't trespassing if you were in the water and came on shore, nor could they fine you're for trespassing on property adjacent to the banks to get in the water. I know because I used the law to be able to walk my dog after the town park closed after dark, LOL. As long as I stayed on the riverbank they had to leave me alone.

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Wasn't it Inslee who threatened to send squads around to forcefully inoculate non-compliers with the kill shot? I hope you smoke him good. Has anyone heard one filthy rotten politician warn anyone at least to research the jab? Just one? How come Rand Paul doesn't seem to know what third stage study means. I thought he is a physician. What a shitshow! Keep us up to date on your progress. I hope it starts a trend.

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I smell victory. And it's even more fragrant than bread baking in the morning.

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Good luck. They are paying for those lawyers with your tax dollars.

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I am intrigued. I feel like there could be many RICO suits in the US.

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Love it Clif! Can’t wait to read about the unfolding pro se suit against Insleaze. Way to be!!!!

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Clif....you are my favorite thorn in their side!!! You bring us all hope!

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Admiralty and Maritime Law, International Law, Constitutional Law, that’s quite a group of high cost attorneys someone will need to assemble. What dinner meetings they will have! They are probably used to only the finest food & drink 😀

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