Compare the swap volume for V2 vs V3 over time. How has that changed?
The top 5 trading pairs on v3 is dominated by stablecoins paired with wrapped Ethereum or paired stablecoins (USDC-USDT, DAI-USDC, USDC-WETH, WBTC-WETH). There's also been an increased volume for the AXS-WETH pair recently, ranking in the top 10 for the past 3 weeks.
The top 2 pairs involves stablecoins and wrapped Ethereum, namely USDC-WETH and USDT-WETH on v2. Memecoin eth pairs such as SHIBA and STARL has also seen an increased amount of trading activity on v2
There is still a large amount of swaps on Uniswap's v2 compared to v3,but there has been a decline in terms of total swaps recently, as shown below