
The app for independent voices

I'm a lifelong space enthusiast, so I was thrilled to get to be a part of the NASA Social team some years ago. I was picked to be the NASA Social correspondent to report on the Artemis Astronaut reveal back in 2020, but had to cancel due to an epic bout of the flu.

Despite everything, I have optimism for the future and am always looking t…

What do you all think about "brands" (for lack of a better term) making holiday-themed social media posts or content? Does it make you want to click through?

Every company had St. Patrick's Day posts on Monday and I was wondering whether I should have bothered to create St. Patrick-related content from SQPN material, but then thought that maybe there's just an oversaturation. Every social media tool tells you that you should be sending out topical stuff to match what's happening in the culture,…

This video was banned by TikTok. Thank you Tulsi for sharing this.

God bless whoever made this video. Pls let us make this viral.


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Hypocritical Progressives Suddenly Care About Safety Again

I am happy to live in a world where Stew's Shamrock Milk exists. Love the glass bottles!

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Reports coming in that President Trump had a ‘very good’ call with the Devil yesterday

‘Outdated notions concerning morality will be scrapped next week’

Trump announced

The idea of heaven, that good people should go there for being kind and helping other people, has been replaced by a system based on wealth

‘We need to move with the times’ claimed a White Fox spokesperson

with long blonde hair and a nice figure

God was not part of these negotiations