Dear Dolly: ‘I’m 27 and single, and I can’t stand dating apps. How will I meet someone?’

Your love, life and friendship dilemmas answered

The Sunday Times

I am about to turn 27 and have been single for about three years, but I cannot stand dating apps. Everything about them makes me cringe. I have been on quite a few app dates, but none of them has worked out. Attraction to someone is about chemistry and body language. What someone looks like is a bonus, but that’s ultimately the only thing we’re making a judgment on from the apps. In this post-pandemic world, where meeting a future partner at work is no longer likely, how is it possible to meet that person if you don’t give dating apps a chance?

Allow me, for a moment, to bore you with the same speech I have been giving on Zoom, FaceTime and Houseparty (lol)