Darwinia Highlight May | Monthly Recap

Published in
5 min readJun 8, 2022


Protocol Updates

  1. Finish support and integrations tests of parachain bridge. Parachain bridge between Pangolin and Pangolin parachain is running, and parachain bridge for Crab and Crab parachain will come next.
  2. Crab parachain integrations with Moonriver and Karura, message channels are open for upcoming use cases.
  3. Release shadow v0.7.0, a simplified and clean version, and move mmr ZK services to bridger and subquery.
  4. Ethereum beacon chain light client design and development, solidity implementation work in progress.
  5. Add state storage precompile for evm pallet.
  6. Fee market pallet multi-instance support
  7. The cumulus of Darwinia-parachain has been upgraded to polkadot-v0.9.17.

Darwinia Ecological Applications and Infrastructure Updates

  1. May’s 7.5% CRAB + CKTON rewards from Crab Kusama Parachain Slot Auction have been delivered.
  2. Release darwinia.js v2.8.1, more clean and better documented and supported javascript SDK for application developers.
  3. Initiate message SDK, for smart contract developers to better understand how to use Darwinia’s LCMP message services. Implemented some substrate scale types in solidity. Supported for sending messages, getting market fee. Message delivered callback is under development. Documentation is also in progress.
  4. Initiate darwinia-bridges-substrade SDK, and include fee market pallet from common pallets, to construct an integration SDK for chain and bridge developers who want to connect to Darwinia using LCMP. More documentation and refactoring work is working in progress.
  5. Preparing integration with other parachains on Kusama via using XCM.
  6. Darwinia Apps
  • Designed Fee Market Analysis Page.
  • Launched deposit claim function.
  • Preparing for integrating Smart App functions in Apps.
  • Preparing for integrating Talisman and SubWallet.

7. Preparing Darwinia/Crab Network UI/UX and content update.

8. Preparing Darwinia Network documents update.

9. Launched Darwinia Builders series of documents, refer:
Darwinia LCMP, A Light-Client Based Cross-Chain Messaging Protocol


  1. Additional Helix-related documentation, including an introduction to the protocol principles, user guide, etc.
  2. Migrate bridges from Wormhole to HelixBridge.
  3. Update Helix roadmap.
  4. Development of Helix personal history display page completed.
  5. Solve the issues of inconsistent theme styles and client-side re-rendering failure when rendering the first screen.
  6. Complete the re-indexing service framework to achieve latency optimization of front-end and back-end interactions.
  7. Split the functions of the main chain and the test chain to complete independent deployment.
  8. Design and implementation of dedicated pages for bridges that require CLAIM in the target chain.
  9. Add EVM<>SUBSTRATE history to Helix explore page.
  10. Commissioning completed for basic parallel chain asset bridge functionality.

Evolution Land

Function Development Updates

  1. portal.evolution.land
  • Event — Pray: There are five lovely elves living on the Evolution Land, they are in charge of the five resources of Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth. It says among the aboriginal people of Evolution Land that good things will happen after praying to them.
  • Asset — Equipment/Materials: Players could find their equipment and materials in the portal.evolution.land.
  • Furnace: The furnace is available on portal.evolution.land in the game section. We divided it into Evolution Land for drills and Apostle Arena for equipments.

2. PVP gameplay

3. Governance

Darwinia Community Events

  1. Darwinia AMA with @BillLaboon, Head of Education & Grants at @Web3foundatio https://twitter.com/DarwiniaAMAs/status/1527697600832733185?s=20&t=f0zi2d0OdWKefvzlM0YrWg.

2. Darwinia AMA with Alexsander from @Unique_NFTchain, the creators of #Substrapunks and #Chelobricks.

3. Metaprints AMA with Charles Stanton.

4. Darwinia AMA with @samelaminfrom @ImbueNetwork.

About Darwinia & Crab

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Darwinia is a cross-chain messaging infrastructure, which will provide a reliable and programmable cross-chain platform for decentralized applications. Darwinia will provide developers with an SDK, and developers can easily integrate cross-chain capabilities into their DApps. Crab Network is the canary network of Darwinia, it is substrate based, EVM compatible, and connected to Kusama.

Darwinia Network has gained a high reputation and recognition along the way to building the universal cross-chain messaging infrastructure. Darwinia was written in Polkadot light paper as one of the friends of Polkadot and Substrate. And Darwinia was selected to join Substrate Builder Program and Web3.0 Bootcamp, and for the outstanding work in Substrate Builder Program, Darwinia Network was officially awarded the Level 2 badge by Parity. The products and tools developed by Darwinia have been rewarded with three W3F Grants.




As an open cross-chain bridge protocol based on Substrate, Darwinia focuses on the construction of future Internet of Tokens. TG: http://t.me/DarwiniaNetwork