Role Playing Games

Introducing Heroes of Arcan, a Fantasy Strategy Game Built on WAX

Heroes of Arcan aims to disrupt the paradigm of play-to-earn by allowing players from all over the world, regardless of their income or asset pools, to enjoy the game and have fun with their heroes. The development for the game started on April 30th, but their marketing campaigns already yielded great results for the team, now standing at over 40,000 Twitter followers and 16,000 Discord members with mentions and positive praises from big publications in the space.

Heroes of Arcan will be a fantasy-themed strategy game, focusing on land play and mining in the first stage, and will develop into full-featured fantasy gameplay with battles, tournaments, and micro-gameplay solutions later on.

The game sets itself apart from the competition thanks to the carbon-neutral Wax Blockchain. Other games, running on Ethereum, consume an immense amount of carbon and damage the environment. Heroes of Arcan will be carbon-neutral from the start and donate up to 1% of their revenue to non-profits building schools in less privileged countries.

Heroes of Arcan Gameplay

The team detailed some of the upcoming gameplay in their whitepaper. At first, your main objective as a hero of Arcan is to build your arsenal of tools. Your hero needs to be a part of one of the three factions: Wisers, Preachers, Conquerors. Each faction yields a positive bonus and comes with a malus. 

Heroes of Arcan Factions

Building tools will cost internal coins and resources, which you can gather or rent from the marketplace. If you want to invest in the game, of course, you can opt to buy them.

Tools can be used to gather food, gold, or wood. These resources have an impact on your gameplay, and the amount you gather on the land plot depends on the tools you have in your possession.

A full table explaining the value and extraction power of each tool can be found here. The tools have a price determined by the game itself, and the team reserves the chance to change it to make the gameplay more sustainable in the future.

Food can be used to restore your Hero’s energy (ranging from 200 to 500, this can be increased by winning missions and conquering objectives), Wood will be needed to build in-game buildings that increase the value of your plot, and Gold is the essential resource to repair used tools that might break or become less efficient. 

Heroes in Arcan can go on missions and, if returning victorious, they might get incentives, such as chests, or extra tokens for them or their faction.

All resources can be stored individually or sent to the faction. As all resources are perishable, sending them to the faction makes sure you don’t lose any while inactive in the game. 

If you’re AFK for a long period of time (eg. because you’re on holiday), the game will provide the tools you need to keep your resources safe without contributing to the faction. These will likely come in the form of potions or enchantments, following the fantasy narrative.

Factions will be tokenized and sold or rented as NFTs. Right now, however, they’re owned by Heroes of Arcan.

NFT Assets of Heroes of Arcan

Heroes of Arcan features three main NFT assets: Heroes, Lands, and Tools. The tools will be the most commonly traded NFTs, and can be included in tools packages or chests, while Heroes and Lands will likely remain a one-time purchase to invest in the game. 

The team is committed to keeping the experience available to everyone and will release a full renting solution to let players without the capital to invest in tools or lands enjoy the fantasy realm they created. 

Resources mined on lands not owned by you will redistribute a percentage of the yield to the plot owner.

The plot owner could be the team, in which case the fee will be standard and publicly viewable, or a private individual, who can set their own rules and yield share percentages.

Every NFTs will have a rarity system. When you craft an item, you could get a Normal up to Legendary one depending on your luck. Similar chances apply when obtaining NFTs through chests.

  • Normal: 58,999%
  • Uncommon: 30%
  • Rare: 10%
  • Epic: 1%
  • Legendary: 0,001%

This rarity system will be equivalent for all NFTs, including ones not publicly disclosed that could come later on (buildings, magic enhancements, passive heroes, etc).

Heroes of Arcan Tokenomics and ICO

Heroes of Arcan Tokenomics

Heroes of Arcan will feature a duo-token economy, featuring $ARCAN for governance and Arcanyx ($ARCX). The game is developed on the WAX blockchain.

$ARCAN can be staked to yield a positive return from the fees on the marketplace and converting resources to tokens. Holders and stakers will also get privileged access to information and whitelists for future events, NFT drops, and private sales.

$ARCX will be used to purchase in-game resources, with prices updating daily, buy in-game items, craft tools, and obtain chests.

The ICO for their $ARCAN token is set to start on the 10th of May and will spread out across three rounds. The first two rounds require a whitelisted wallet, the third round is public. 

The prices for the tokens are fixed. To learn more and see the allocated total $ARCAN for each, refer to their document in the whitepaper.

The team launched a free airdrop campaign on Givelab. You can participate here. The more you engage with their community, the more free $ARCAN tokens you will receive. Each interaction will reward you with 1 or more $ARCAN, and 5 lucky winners will receive a lot more.


Heroes of Arcan takes inspiration from the great fantasy world of World of Warcraft, League of Legends, and other masterpieces we all played in the past. Their goal is to create a fun, engaging game where players can own their assets and immerse in the lore.

Their roadmap is promising, and the first version of the game is set to release in the summer of 2022. Their NFT drop in Q2 2022 will also reveal the great illustrations their team is pushing out for their tools and heroes.

In Q4 2022, Heroes of Arcan should already be available on mobile devices, skyrocketing their total available audience and giving people in less privileged countries the ability to play.

The team is a competent mix of individuals with a background in tech and gaming, and we can’t wait to see what they’ll develop next. Follow their journey on Discord and Twitter.

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