Rana Plaza: Two Years Later, Remembering 1,138 Deaths Caused By Greed & The Glorious “Free Market”

In General Interest by admin1 Comment

Two years ago, Rana Plaza collapsed in Bangladesh, killing 1,138 garment workers and injuring 2,400 others; many of the injured live today with physical problems that make it hard for them to work, not to mention the grief many of them live with because of loved ones killed in the disaster.

This was murder, plain and simple. The deaths of the 1,138 must be remembered because they were victims of greed, the greed that is the linchpin of the economic system around the world, including the U.S., that places profits before the lives of people.

A few days ago, I wrote about the refusal of many of the billionaires at the top of the garment industry to pay up what they had committed to paying for enhanced monitoring of safety conditions in these horrendous factories.

Remember, people work for slave wages in these factories but that doesn’t seem to be enough for those who profit from that labor–if thousands die, oh well, that’s just tough luck.

And we need to remember Rana Plaza because of a simple fact: this happens every day. People are sacrificed for greed and the glory of the “free market” all around the world. Rana Plaza became a global story because of the huge number of worked who died in just a few minutes. But, most of those deaths are never seen, certainly not by people in the U.S, though it happens in the U.S. as well, as I wrote in this piece about the deaths of 28 miners in an explosion in 2010 at the Upper Big Branch mine in West Virginia.

Here are two pieces worth watching. Take the time and remember.

This is a short BBC documentary. What is astounding is the footage of the factory taken the day before–and knowing that specific workers who were interviewed 24 hours before the collapse about their fears about the safety of the factory would be crushed to death.

This is a shorter, a bit rougher but graphic video of the disaster (warning: you might find some of the images of people killed in the collapse upsetting):



  1. Pingback: MURDER CHARGES Against Rana Plaza Owners Who Killed 1,137 Human Beings | Working Life

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