#SaveMySanctuary! Help stop the destruction of one of the world's largest MPAs!

#SaveMySanctuary! Help stop the destruction of one of the world's largest MPAs!

The Issue

The Steering Committee of the Palau National Marine Sanctuary is asking you to please sign the petition and help save the Palau National Marine Sanctuary, the largest percentage of fully protected EEZ marine protected areas in the world!

In 2015, led by a massive grassroots initiative, the Leadership of the Republic of Palau put into law the ancient Palauan practice of BUL, preserving 80% of  Palau's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) as a "No Take" conservation zone. In line with our cultural values and traditions, embodying a well thought out environmental policy and commitment of both the people and the government, the Sanctuary began as a people's movement through a petition and quickly gained popular support, sweeping the nation. 

In an effort to temporarily bolster the economy, the House of Delegates of the 11th Olbiil Era Kelulau introduced House Bill No. 11-30-2S, to reopen an additional 50% (for a total of 70%) of Palau's EEZ to foreign fishing. At best, this proposal would only realize short-term and marginal profits and has not positively identified any dollar amount in potential revenues. 

While it is understood that there is a need to seek ways to bolster our revenue earning capacity, short-term solutions should not jeopardize well thought out long-term policy objectives established for our Republic by the Palauan people. 

The Sanctuary expresses a monumental environmental policy choice and commitment by the Government and people of Palau that cannot and should not be easily trifled with. While we appreciate the efforts of the 11th OEK, we believe there is a multitude of unexplored alternatives resulting in sustainable revenues that return social and environmental gains, that reflects our deep wisdom and connection to the ocean, which has cradled our lives and sustained our culture for many generations. 

For these reasons, we, the undersigned citizens and voters of the Republic of Palau and others hereby lodge our support for the Sanctuary and to show our opposition to HB 11-30-2S, and to further implore the national government to stop any legislation which would jeopardize the integrity and size of the Sanctuary in what has become an international icon for Palau. 


The Issue

The Steering Committee of the Palau National Marine Sanctuary is asking you to please sign the petition and help save the Palau National Marine Sanctuary, the largest percentage of fully protected EEZ marine protected areas in the world!

In 2015, led by a massive grassroots initiative, the Leadership of the Republic of Palau put into law the ancient Palauan practice of BUL, preserving 80% of  Palau's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) as a "No Take" conservation zone. In line with our cultural values and traditions, embodying a well thought out environmental policy and commitment of both the people and the government, the Sanctuary began as a people's movement through a petition and quickly gained popular support, sweeping the nation. 

In an effort to temporarily bolster the economy, the House of Delegates of the 11th Olbiil Era Kelulau introduced House Bill No. 11-30-2S, to reopen an additional 50% (for a total of 70%) of Palau's EEZ to foreign fishing. At best, this proposal would only realize short-term and marginal profits and has not positively identified any dollar amount in potential revenues. 

While it is understood that there is a need to seek ways to bolster our revenue earning capacity, short-term solutions should not jeopardize well thought out long-term policy objectives established for our Republic by the Palauan people. 

The Sanctuary expresses a monumental environmental policy choice and commitment by the Government and people of Palau that cannot and should not be easily trifled with. While we appreciate the efforts of the 11th OEK, we believe there is a multitude of unexplored alternatives resulting in sustainable revenues that return social and environmental gains, that reflects our deep wisdom and connection to the ocean, which has cradled our lives and sustained our culture for many generations. 

For these reasons, we, the undersigned citizens and voters of the Republic of Palau and others hereby lodge our support for the Sanctuary and to show our opposition to HB 11-30-2S, and to further implore the national government to stop any legislation which would jeopardize the integrity and size of the Sanctuary in what has become an international icon for Palau. 

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The Supporters

Featured Comments

Avatar of Audrey
Audrey, 1000 bluff rd
12 months ago
Western greed has caused poison in Palauan waters and to actively fight against standing powers and their continued unnatural way of living, has taken great courage and displays moral and intelligent internal wisdom; there is a reason it was protected in the first place- DO NOT dare reduce the size of PNMS protected area or any protected area for that matter! I stand with the future of indigenous Palauans and their children as well: to protect their own environment and lead the world out of darkness clouded by profit and greed; I will never stand with corporate/economic colonization and the ongoing disrespect for the natural world! Please, protect beautiful Belau and it’s incredibly important, holy waters 🫶🏻

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Petition created on April 3, 2022