The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Walmart apologizes, pulls ‘Juneteenth ice cream’ after online backlash

Critics accused the retail giant of commercializing a solemn holiday meant to commemorate the end of American slavery

May 24, 2022 at 1:42 p.m. EDT
Walmart apologized and said it would pull an ice cream product commemorating Juneteenth after social media backlash. (Bloomberg News)
3 min

Walmart pulled “Juneteenth ice cream” from its freezers and apologized Tuesday after a social media backlash and accusations of commercializing a holiday meant to commemorate the end of American slavery.

The retail giant was set to sell “swirled red velvet and cheesecake” ice cream in a container adorned with Pan-African colors and an image of two Black hands high-fiving each other. “Share and celebrate African American culture, emancipation and enduring hope,” the label read.