Let us see the total number of unique thorchain wallet addresses that have been created and done at least one transaction on thorchain network using transfers table.

THORChain is a decentralized cross-chain liquidity protocol based on Tendermint & Cosmos-SDK and utilizing Threshold Signature Schemes (TSS). It does not peg or wrap assets, it simply determines how to move them in response to user-actions.

Its key objective is to be resistant to centralization and capture whilst facilitating cross-chain liquidity. THORChain only secures the assets in its vaults, and has economic guarantees that those assets are safe.


THORChain wallet is a wallet used to store RUNE coins in the blockchain platform of THORChain. You can send and receive RUNEs as well as interact with applications on this platform. In particular, this wallet is owned by you, no one has the right to influence or use the wallet other than you.

This graph shows the total number of unique wallet addresses on Throchain network over the past few months.



This below chart gives the total number of unique wallet address count on Thorchain network on a monthly basis.



Thorchain Wallet will hold all supported THORChain assets, interact with the protocol, swap, make stake/unstaking transactions, bond/leave transactions and more. The below graph shows the cumulative unique wallet address count over the Thorchain network.



