The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

The weirdest and most interesting tech at CES 2022

The consumer electronics trade show salutes 2022 with some of the strangest technologies we’ve seen in a while. Here are the highlights.

Updated January 6, 2022 at 10:13 p.m. EST|Published January 5, 2022 at 9:58 p.m. EST
Many people stayed home but Help Desk reporter Chris Velazco turned out to find the weirdest and most interesting technology of the annual consumer tech show. (Video: Jonathan Baran/The Washington Post)
11 min

The world’s biggest consumer electronics trade show known as CES feels weird this year, with far fewer attendees gracing the Las Vegas conference halls where consumer tech companies show off their latest and greatest (almost) every January.

One thing stayed the same, though: Companies are delighting, confusing and angering us with their ideas for what the tech of the future might look like. Autonomous John Deere tractors? Check. A smart home for cats? Absolutely. Dozens of pitches about the metaverse, a place we would like to visit if we could figure out what and where it is? You bet.