
The app for independent voices

I just shared this on Facebook with my friends who come from evangelical backgrounds or are clergy of any stripe. I think this is really important stuff.

I get to find bad guys and you give me money. I’m failing to see the downside here.

Read this most excellent takedown of Gavin Newsom - and other Democrats losing their nerve in this moment. Kamau nailed it.

Gavin Newsom’s Bro Ambition

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38 Life Lessons Every Man Must Learn Before 40

Something that’s becoming very annoying VERY quickly lately is publications that are only focusing on what the Dems got wrong in 2024.

While the party needs to find itself, ‘we da people’ are in dire need of solutions, action, and leadership now.

Sitting around dissecting every single thing Dems could’ve/should’ve done differently for some reason feels like part of the problem?

Because in the meantime, the other party is holding all the power and blowing shit up, and, by the time we ‘figure out w…

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