School Board Vote

Supporters of Draft Policy 8040 attend Wednesday evening’s School Board meeting.

The Loudoun County School Board on Wednesday evening voted 7-2 to approve Policy 8040, which addresses the treatment and common issues pertaining to transgender students in elementary and secondary schools.

(6) comments


Just another in a long list of reasons to sign the recall petitions! It is horrible what this school board under the leadership of Brenda Sheridan and Atoosa Reaser have accomplished negatively to once the best school system in the U.S.A.


So in sports we will have the boys teams, the girls teams, and the transgender teams, right?


Sheridan helps with security clearances at Northrup Grumman. How does that make you feel, safer?


Accommodating sickos at the expense of our sons and daughters is another sickness just one with a fancy name, progressive!


Wonderful decision! I’m so glad the school board has prioritized the wellbeing of students, including some of those most marginalized and vulnerable.


they have prioritized the wellbeing of a small group of students at the expense of the others.

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