148 - Austen Allred

Austen Allred is the co-founder and CEO of BloomTech (Bloom Institute of Technology), formerly known as Lambda School

Austen Allred is the co-founder and CEO of BloomTech (Bloom Institute of Technology), formerly known as Lambda School. BloomTech is an online coding school where you train remotely to become a software engineer or data scientist. What sets BloomTech apart from other coding schools is that you don’t pay until you land a job paying you at least $50,000.

📢 Austen’s ask: He is on the lookout for great acoustic treatment + soundproofing advice. Let him know if you have any tips!

His workspace is ~150 sq feet, built in the back of his garage on top of rubber gym flooring.

He will soon be replacing the back wall with a glass door to liven up the view a bit.

Gym Side:

  • Tonal (weight lifting)
  • Peloton (biking)
  • "Pelotonal" hanging organizer (for Tonal + Peloton accessories)
  • Heater (this isn't normally out but I use it for the few weeks in Southern Utah when it gets cold)

Office Side:

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