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This week
A Happy Valentine's Day to you, dear readers who are always opening my love letters. Did you know St. Valentine is also the patron saint of bee keepers and plague sufferers? And that scattered locations across the world claim to display his body parts? It's a real shame that "I ♥️ UR MANY SKULLS" won't fit on a candy heart.

On the podcast, we discuss the machine of book publishing and when retro fashion brings up retro body-image issues. 

I'm reading
Is patriarchy too big to fail? Couples who love living apart. Men say they're into equality but still don't vacuum. Against the nuclear family. Masha Gessen on Judith Butler, and Zadie Smith on Kara Walker, and Roxane Gay on Janelle Monáe. When the family business is a string of heists. The economic lives of animals. Retailers are now handing out booze to shoppers. Welcome to the era of fake products. The case against italicizing "foreign" words. It is completely safe to eat at Chinese restaurants outside of China. The lives of quarantined Coronavirus evacuees in California. How several agents from a small outpost in Arizona climbed to the top of the Border Patrol, and left corruption and misconduct in their wake. The trauma of "short stays" in foster care. A clinical psychologist who works with farmers has never been more overwhelmed. Prepping for end times, on a budget. Inside the disinformation campaign to re-elect Trump. The last time democracy almost died. What ruins can teach us. Japan's enviable lost-and-found system. Miranda Popkey's Topics of Conversation and Brandon Taylor's Real Life.

Members only
Become a paying member for just $5/year. [This is a secure site that takes all major credit cards but, unfortunately, not PayPal. For now.] I'd love your support. What are you missing? Click here to see what these pie charts are all about.

I’m looking & listening
The new Sunstorm podcast. Erica Chidi Cohen on creating office cultures that support self-care. Samin Nosrat and Wendy MacNaughton talk about their creative partnership. YES to this conducting style.

Although I do prefer TIME HUG, BE MY BEAR, and MY HAG as candy heart messages.

I endorse
Ashley C. Ford's conversation with Max Linsky on the Longform podcast. At one point (the 19:55 mark, to be exact), he asked her about how much money she makes. And she answered with a total dollar amount and a rough percentage breakdown. Max was shocked, because none of the other 384 writers who have appeared on the show have answered this question so quickly and candidly.  

Ashley said she realizes some people will hear her number and judge her as overpaid or underpaid for the work she does. But, she continued, most people just want to know what's possible. They want to know how other people are making it work. She added, "I understand why it's hard for people to talk about it. But rich people are talking about it. They talk about money with each other all the time. They don't want us talking about money with each other because then we start to put two and two together, and figure out that something in the milk ain't clean."

I happened to listen to Ashley's interview on the day I finalized my 2019 corporate books. (Yes, I'm a one-woman corporation.) When I was on the Longform podcast years ago, I honestly can't remember Max asking about my income. But I can tell you quite precisely now that I brought in $186,000 last year.

You know I love a pie chart, so here's the breakdown:

Some context: This is my revenue, not the amount of money that eventually makes it into my pocket. (In other words, this is not equivalent to a pay stub. Taxes and business expenses are real!) I have no one depending on me financially. I live with my partner, who shares household expenses with me, and I get my health insurance through his employer. The "book advance" slice represents only a partial payment. (The advance is parceled out in four chunks: One when we signed the contract in 2018, one when we turned in the first draft last year, one when the hardcover is published this year, and the final one when the paperback comes out in 2021.) Going Through It, a limited-run podcast I hosted, coincidentally was produced by Max. "Articles" represents the payment I received for essays, profiles, and features I wrote—far fewer than in previous years, because I was busy with the book. And remember when I told you at the end of last year that this newsletter was financially important to me in 2019? I wasn't lying. Just look at that fat slice. 

A wise woman once said, "People’s salaries should be public information. Particularly for women and marginalized people, those numbers are really important." Amen

The Classifieds

I get so much time back w/ a newsletter I trust to curate the week's best reads—& make me lol!" An opinion & culture weekly for modern women.
Listen to How to Do the Pot podcast. Women share personal stories about cannabis + sleep, migraines, endometriosis, pregnancy and more!
Check Tracy’s Dog Self-Care Guide for V-Day, on our IG, and plug self-intimacy with ASMR Erotica, other goodies + a delicious Giveaway.

Om Weekly offers a no-BS, modern take on ancient philosophies. De-mystify the stuff your yoga teacher says (or doesn't say), every Tuesday.

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"Thanks for the content, long live ladyswagger." -Nicole. Put it on my tombstone.

This newsletter is opening the books.
Forward it to your spreadsheet sweetheart.

Ann Friedman

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