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the Mountain Goats - This Year (Jordan Lake Sessions)
2020Oct 30
the Mountain Goats play “This Year” from Manifold Recording in North Carolina for "the Jordan Lake Sessions". the Mountain Goats new album 'Getting Into Knives' is out now on Merge Records. FOLLOW the MOUNTAIN GOATS Facebook:   / mountaingoat.  . Twitter:   / mountain_goats   Instagram:   / mountaingoa.  . Twitch:   / mountaingoatsmusic   Tour Dates: LYRICS I broke free on a Saturday morning I put the pedal to the floor Headed north on Mills Avenue And listened to the engine roar My broken house behind me And good things ahead A girl named Cathy Wants a little of my time Six cilinders underneath the hood Crashing and kicking Aha! Listen to the engine wine I am going to make it through this year If it kills me I am going to make it though this year If it kills me I played video games in a drunken haze I was seventeen years young Hurt my knuckles punching the machines The taste of scotch rich on my tongue And then Cathy showed up And we hung out Trading swigs from a bottle All bitter and clean Locking eyes Holding hands Twin high maintenance machines I am going to make it through this year If it kills me I am going to make it though this year If it kills me I drove home in the California dusk I could feel the alcohol inside of me hum Pictured the look on my stepfather's face Ready for the bad things to come I downshifted As I pulled into the driveway The motor screaming out Stuck in second gear The scene ends badly As you might imagine In a cavalcade of anger and fear There will be feasting and dancing In Jerusalem next year I am going to make it through this year If it kills me I am going to make it though this year If it kills me #theMountainGoats #theJordanLakeSessions #GettingIntoKnives

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the Mountain Goats

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