Democracy Dies in Darkness

Chats are the new letters. Here’s how to preserve them accordingly.

Your texts with loved ones might seem silly now, but here’s why you should keep them and how to do it

January 31, 2022 at 7:00 a.m. EST
Apple/iStock/Washington Post illustration (Apple and iStock/Washington Post illustration)
8 min

Text conversations seem unimportant in the moment. They’re a jumpy collection of short sentences and single words, inside jokes, a smattering of emojis, maybe a GIF here and there. At a glance, they don’t seem nearly as worth preserving as a thought-out letter or personal email.

But a long text conversation with a family member, partner or friend can be a priceless memory later on. They document our relationships going back years, and scrolling through one can be like hopping in a time machine or hearing someone’s voice again. Because the exchanges are spontaneous, they can be a more genuine refection of what a person is like.