Support for a bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol is nearly universal among Democrats, huge majority support among independents as well.
- 90% of Democrats support the commission, with 78% saying they “strongly support” the commission
- 72% of independents, including 36% who “strongly support”
- 42% of Republicans, including just 17% who “strongly support”
Republicans have a unity problem
- 78% of Democrats view their own party as united today; just 58% of Republicans say their own party is united
- 68% of Democrats say the Republican party is somewhat or very divided today, while 52% of Republicans say the Democratic party is somewhat or very divided
Republicans still deny or remain uncertain that President Biden legitimately won the 2020 election.
- 78% of Republicans either believe Biden did not win legitimately or remain unsure; 58% of which outright challenge the legitimacy.
- 94% of Democrats say Biden legitimately won the election, with just 2% saying he did not and 3% saying they are not sure
- 62% of independents accept Biden as the legitimate winner, 21% are unsure, and 16% do not accept the results as legitimate
- Virtually no movement from when this was last asked in January of this year.
Read more about our polling methodology here.
Click through all the results in the interactive toplines below:
When it comes to American democracy, which comes closest to your view:
Gender Answer Total Male Female Unweighted N 2,695 1,374 1,257 I have faith in American democracy 48%49%48%I have lost faith in American democracy 40%40%39%I have never had faith in American democracy 8%8%8%No answer 4%3%5%Question wording: When it comes to American democracy, which comes closest to your view:Survey dates: –Which comes closer to your view_1
Gender Answer Total Male Female Unweighted N 2,695 1,374 1,257 We need a strong national government to deal with the big problems facing the country 47%43%52%Most of the big problems today can be solved by state and local governments 22%24%20%Government, in general, cannot solve the big problems facing the country 26%30%22%No answer 4%3%5%Question wording: Which comes closer to your view_1Survey dates: –Which comes closer to your view_2
Gender Answer Total Male Female Unweighted N 2,695 1,374 1,257 We would be better off if a single leader had greater power to make sure U.S. government could solve today’s problems 12%12%13%Dividing power between the president, Congress, and the Supreme Court is necessary to prevent abuse and preserve liberty 83%84%82%No answer 5%4%5%Question wording: Which comes closer to your view_2Survey dates: –Thinking about voting, which comes closer to your view:
Gender Answer Total Male Female Unweighted N 2,695 1,374 1,257 If more people voted, our government would function better 59%54%65%It is more important that the right people vote, so that the best leaders are chosen 33%38%27%No answer 8%8%8%Question wording: Thinking about voting, which comes closer to your view:Survey dates: –How much, if any, voter fraud happens in your state?
Gender Answer Total Male Female Unweighted N 2,695 1,374 1,257 A lot 18%18%17%Some 28%29%27%Not much 25%25%24%Not at all 24%23%25%No answer 6%5%6%Question wording: How much, if any, voter fraud happens in your state?Survey dates: –Generally speaking, would you say that…
Gender Answer Total Male Female Unweighted N 2,695 1,374 1,257 Most people can be trusted 31%32%30%You need to be very careful in dealing with people 64%64%65%No answer 5%4%5%Question wording: Generally speaking, would you say that…Survey dates: –Which of the following comes closest to your view?
Gender Answer Total Male Female Unweighted N 2,695 1,374 1,257 America is more divided today than ever before, and these divisions are likely to continue far into the future 52%52%52%America is more divided today than ever before, but Americans will come together in the near future 27%26%28%America is not more divided today than it has been in the past 17%18%15%No answer 5%4%5%Question wording: Which of the following comes closest to your view?Survey dates: –Do you accept Joe Biden as having legitimately won the 2020 presidential election?
Gender Answer Total Male Female Unweighted N 2,695 1,374 1,257 Yes 58%55%60%No 26%29%24%Not sure 13%13%12%No answer 4%3%4%Question wording: Do you accept Joe Biden as having legitimately won the 2020 presidential election?Survey dates: –Would you support or oppose the formation of a bipartisan congressional commission to investigate the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol?
Gender Answer Total Male Female Unweighted N 2,695 1,374 1,257 Strongly support 44%42%46%Somewhat support 21%19%23%Somewhat oppose 12%13%12%Strongly oppose 17%22%12%No answer 6%4%6%Question wording: Would you support or oppose the formation of a bipartisan congressional commission to investigate the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol?Survey dates: –How united or divided do you think the Republican Party is today?
Gender Answer Total Male Female Unweighted N 2,695 1,374 1,257 Very united 11%10%11%Somewhat united 30%33%27%Somewhat divided 31%33%30%Very divided 24%21%26%No answer 5%4%5%Question wording: How united or divided do you think the Republican Party is today?Survey dates: –How united or divided do you think the Democratic Party is today?
Gender Answer Total Male Female Unweighted N 2,695 1,374 1,257 Very united 21%20%21%Somewhat united 38%39%38%Somewhat divided 24%26%22%Very divided 13%12%14%No answer 5%4%6%Question wording: How united or divided do you think the Democratic Party is today?Survey dates: –