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Air Dance

by Sachi Kobayashi

Floating 00:00 / 06:05
Floating 06:05
Slow Motion 06:20


Hush Hush is honored to present the new EP ‘Air Dance’ from the quietly prolific and quickly emerging Japanese musician Sachi Kobayashi. This mesmerizing exploration of blissful ambient music marks Sachi’s 4th release in 5 months, following an early 2021 release on Japanese label Purre Goohn and two late 2020 releases on premiere ambient labels Serein (Wales, UK) and Stereoscenic Records (Cleveland, USA).

In describing the inspiration behind 'Air Dance,' Sachi explains: “This EP is a musical expression of senses that humanity will experience frequently in the coming years. Humans may become less constrained by space and time, and they will begin to communicate in new ways. I tried to express these senses through the songs of floating, language, and slow motion. I invite you to imagine and experience that senses."


released March 5, 2021

Music & Artwork by Sachi Kobayashi.

Mastered by Taylor Deupree.


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Hush Hush Records Bainbridge Island, Washington

Run by KEXP DJ Alex Ruder, Hush Hush Records is dedicated to curating an emotional and introspective sound that's free of specific genre boundaries.

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