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posted by Grace Moon
February 06, 2008 - 9:29 am

Bette!? What the hell, why do you only want what you can’t have? Listen girl, you can’t keep jumping back and forth from woman to woman, you will never find happiness that way. Remember when you went on that silent retreat at the Buddhist monastery (in Season 3), and you left before you were supposed to? You should have just sat it out, and maybe you would have figured your deep discontent has to do with you and not who you are bopping. Seriously—for a woman who gets so much quality booty, you are really way too uptight and unhappy.
posted by editor
February 05, 2008 - 10:24 pm
Before Ilene went back to school at NYU, she dropped by class at UCLA where the LGBT Center welcomed her for a screening of Episode 504 with a Q&A; following.
posted by OC Editor
February 05, 2008 - 2:41 pm
Check out the latest batch of videos from Showtime's series of cast interviews, and find out how Daniela Sea feels about playing OurChart's resident techie and her recent role as a revolutionary in Jamie Babbitt's feminist punk comedy, Itty Bitty Titty Committee. Leisha offers up her take on the original "core" cast vs. the larger "quadrupled" cast, and reveals the habit her real-life friends wish she'd lose. And Kate tells us why physical scenes are the most fun and, besides Shane's, whose storyline she's most excited about this season. Hint: It's not "my lover, Cindi."
posted by diana cage
February 05, 2008 - 10:34 am
No amount of clonazepam can take down my anxiety over today’s primaries. Plus, Grace Moon told me to lay off the angry lesbian blogs because they are affecting my sex life. True dat. So I’m just going to think about sex.
posted by Katie Liederman
February 05, 2008 - 7:41 am
What do Joey Buttafuoco, Vivica Fox, Marilyn Manson, Meg White and that dude who played Screech from Saved by the Bell all have in common? They have all been indicted in some sort of highly-publicized sex tape scandal in the past year or so. What else do they have in common? They’re not lesbians. Here’s another question: why hasn’t a single celesbian sex tape been leaked onto the internet?
posted by editor
February 04, 2008 - 2:52 pm
On the eve of Super Tuesday, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton offers up a message of support for the LGBT community. Read the New York Senator's guest post below.

(Photo by Richard Phibbs)

By Senator Hillary Clinton

As I have traveled around the country these past twelve months, what I sensed in my heart has been confirmed – America is embracing its LGBT sons and daughters with an acceptance and understanding as never before.
posted by Kelly McCartney
February 04, 2008 - 9:47 am
Ever since Kermit the Frog sang his little song, people have taken up the slogan of “It's not easy being green.” And yet, it is. Or it can be. It starts with little things—baby steps, as it were. Inch by inch, you make your way and then, almost without noticing, you're living in a solar-powered yurt, wearing hemp clothes, and eating homegrown lettuce. Or not.
posted by Grace Moon
February 04, 2008 - 8:52 am
It’s the eve of Super Tuesday and I’m sure our hearts are aflutter with anticipation; is it going to be Hillary or Barack? I’d like to take this moment to acknowledge that lots of us blogging here are staunch Clinton supporters. This is by no means an official endorsement by this site.