stop playing-it-safe all the time and start living courageously 

Overcoming fear of failure
Overcoming fear of failure

Drop your standards! Let go of your perfectionistic tendencies! If I were paid a dollar every time I heard this message, I would have a large bank account by now. When you’re pursuing a top performance –​ from athletic to intellectual to artistic ones – it’s...

5 Ways to Harnessing the power of values-based exposures
5 Ways to Harnessing the power of values-based exposures

Today’s episode takes off with discussing fears of driving. This is the starting point to examine a key process within acceptance commitment therapy: values-based exposures. In this episode, you will learn the principles to approach your fears, worries, and anxieties...

How to perform your best when it matters most
How to perform your best when it matters most

Ever catch yourself engaging in incessant mind chatter in a high-stakes situation? The kind that fills your head with self-doubt, comparisons, and anticipations of failure? You're not alone. We all do it. But what if there was a way to overcome these self-limiting...


H ave you ever done a willingness workout? What comes to your mind when reading the word "willingness?" Some of my clients have heard words like "open up, sit with, make room for it… "...

Breaking free from worry loops
Breaking free from worry loops

Picture this scenario: you encounter an ambiguous and uncertain situation, and then, of course, you quickly try to solve it. You anticipate all types of scenarios and try to prepare for each one of them, without realizing you are worrying and consumed with anxiety....

Embracing self-acceptance, self-compassion, and self-exploration
Embracing self-acceptance, self-compassion, and self-exploration

We all experience anxiety in some form, in some way, and in some shape. Because anxiety, fears, and worries can be so uncomfortable, we quickly play-it-safe. And when you’re prone to deeply caring for what you do - as high-achievers, strivers, and perfectionists -...

When self-compassion gets tough: navigating common barriers
When self-compassion gets tough: navigating common barriers

Self-compassion is the willingness to respond to your pain and suffering in the same way a good friend of yours might–with warmth, patience, and understanding. That sounds easy, right? But you know it isn’t. For many, self-criticism is a classic playing-it-safe move....

What’s the mindset of a skillful striver?
What’s the mindset of a skillful striver?

It was a true pleasure to discover the work and passion of Sonya Looney, a professional athlete, mountain bike champion, podcast host, health and mental performance coach. Her enthusiasm, laughter, and insights are contagious! There are many golden nuggets in this...

How to act on your values when feeling anxious
How to act on your values when feeling anxious

Key Takeaways This is part 2 of my conversation with Dr. Matthew McKay, Ph.D. In part 1, we discussed the foundations of how Dr. McKay thinks of process-based therapy. Today, we discuss, in particular, different mechanisms of actions: What is attentional training How...

What maintains a psychological struggle?
What maintains a psychological struggle?

If anxiety is a part of our day to day life, if we hold on to the framework that to be human is to be anxious, how did anxiety ever become a problem? How do you go from worrying about not being good enough to chronic states of worry? How do you go from feeling...


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