Mobile Dev Memo Slack Team


Mobile Dev Memo hosts its own Slack team at This team is open to everyone in the mobile space (vendors included!) and is meant to be a place to share information and resources around marketing, analytics, and general strategy. You can sign up to join the Slack team below.

The team and associated channels are a professional space to exchange information around a range of topics related to mobile. As such, please try to avoid irrelevant topics and maintain a professional tone (no swearing, etc.).

The only rules associated with the Mobile Dev Memo Slack team are:

  1. No promotion outside of the #promotion channel. There is a zero-tolerance policy in place for promotion: if you promote your own company, your company’s content marketing, articles written about your company, or any of your company’s products and services, you will be banned;
  2. Full names / real names are required. Please sign up with your full, real name;
  3. No abusive, dismissive, overly argumentative, intimidating, or prejudicial behavior will be tolerated;
  4. As a corollary to both #1 and #2: direct messaging should be used responsibly. Sending direct messages to people who have not indicated that they wish to speak privately will result in a ban from the Team.

We look forward to seeing you on the Slack team!

Request to join the Mobile Dev Memo Slack team:

All fields are required.