Our 2021-22 redistricting tracker is no longer updating, but please check out our 2022 midterm election forecast to see how competitive the House map is.

UPDATED Jul. 19, 2022, at 3:50 PM

What Redistricting Looks Like In Every State

An updating tracker of proposed congressional maps — and whether they might benefit Democrats or Republicans in the 2022 midterms and beyond. How this works »

The partisan breakdown of Ohio’s new map
Status:In litigation
partisan lean of districts:
Old map
16 districts
A chart showing the partisan lean of each district in before redistricting. There are 3 solidly Democratic districts; 0 competitive Democratic districts; 1 highly competitive district; 4 competitive Republican districts; and 8 solidly Republican districts.
This map
15 districts-1
A chart showing the partisan lean of each district in this proposed congressional map. There would be 2 solidly Democratic districts; 0 competitive Democratic districts; 2 highly competitive districts; 4 competitive Republican districts; and 7 solidly Republican districts.
There are 2 Democratic-leaning seats, 11 Republican-leaning seats and 2 highly competitive seats in Ohio’s new map.Change from old map: -1 Democratic-leaning seat, -1 Republican-leaning seat, +1 highly competitive seat.

Map source: Ohio Republicans

The competitiveness and fairness of Ohio's maps
Median seat
Difference between the partisan lean of the state’s median district and the state as a whole.
New mapR+1.7
Old mapR+3.6
Efficiency gap
Difference between each party’s share of “wasted votes” — those that don’t contribute to a candidate winning.
New mapR+15.5
Old mapR+19.9
The number of districts in the state whose partisan leans are between R+5 and D+5.
New map2/15
Old map1/16
The demographic and partisan breakdown of Ohio’s new map
DistrictIncumbentPartisan leanRacial makeup
Steve ChabotR
Brad WenstrupR
Joyce BeattyD
Jim JordanR
Robert E. LattaR
Bill JohnsonR
Bob GibbsR
Anthony GonzalezR
Warren DavidsonR
Marcy KapturD
Michael TurnerR
Shontel BrownD
Troy BaldersonR
Tim RyanD
David JoyceR
Mike CareyR

The racial makeup of each district is of the voting-age population.

The latest in Ohio

March 29, 2022

On Jan. 14, the Ohio Supreme Court invalidated the congressional map enacted by Ohio’s Republican legislature and governor in November. In a 4-3 decision, the court ruled that the map — which made 73 percent of the state’s districts Republican-leaning — violated the partisan-fairness requirement in the state constitution considering that the GOP “generally musters no more than 55% of the statewide popular vote,” in the words of Justice Michael Donnelly in the court’s opinion. “By any rational measure, that skewed result just does not add up.”

On March 2, Republicans on the Ohio Redistricting Commission approved a replacement map that is barely fairer than the map that was struck down. The new map creates 11 Republican-leaning seats, only two Democratic-leaning seats and only two highly competitive seats — the same breakdown as the invalidated map. And it has virtually the same Republican-friendly efficiency gap (R+16).

Because the map passed along party lines, it will only be valid for two election cycles, meaning Ohio will go through yet another redistricting process in 2025-26. The map is also being challenged in court, but the case will likely only matter for the 2024 election: The Ohio Supreme Court has set a timeline for the case that runs into the May 3 primary, suggesting it will not rule in time to affect the 2022 election.

Ohio adopted a brand-new redistricting process this year designed to produce fairer maps, but it did not work out the way reformers had hoped. After blowing past two deadlines to pass a new congressional map with bipartisan support, the Republican-controlled legislature ended up passing a heavily biased congressional map all on its own. That map, of course, was ultimately struck down, putting the ball back in the legislature’s court. But the legislature again failed to take action within the required 30 days, sending the process to the commission.

Latest updates
Icon of the Ohio state boundaries
May 27
A three-judge federal trial court adopted congressional and state legislative maps in Ohio that the state's supreme court had previously held were partisan gerrymanders in violation of the state constitution.
Icon of the Ohio state boundaries
March 29
The Ohio Supreme Court set filing deadlines for arguments related to the state's contested congressional maps that extend beyond the May 3 primary. Petitioners must file their brief by May 3 and respondents may then respond by May 20. Petitioners may file a reply by May 27. The upshot is that the 2022 congressional election will take place using a set of districts that are very similar to districts that were previously struck down by the Supreme Court.
Icon of the Ohio state boundaries
March 2
The Ohio Redistricting Commission passed a new congressional map for the second time after its first map was invalidated by the state Supreme Court. The new map is similar to the first map and faces an uphill battle at the Court.
Who controls redistricting in Ohio right now?
Republicans fully control the congressional redistricting process. New maps are drawn by the Republican state legislature and enacted by three-fifths of each chamber. If the legislature fails to pass a map, redistricting falls to a bipartisan commission made up of statewide elected officials and state legislators. If the commission fails to enact a map, a new map may be passed by a simple majority of each chamber and signed into law by the Republican governor, but that map is valid for only four years.
All of the other proposed maps in Ohio
MapPlanProposed byPartisan breakdown
Democratic-amended proposalOhio Democrats
A chart showing the partisan lean of each district in this proposed congressional map. There would be 2 solidly Democratic districts; 2 competitive Democratic districts; 3 highly competitive districts; 1 competitive Republican district; and 7 solidly Republican districts.
Republican proposalOhio Republicans
A chart showing the partisan lean of each district in this proposed congressional map. There would be 2 solidly Democratic districts; 0 competitive Democratic districts; 2 highly competitive districts; 4 competitive Republican districts; and 7 solidly Republican districts.
Revised Democratic planOhio Democrats
A chart showing the partisan lean of each district in this proposed congressional map. There would be 2 solidly Democratic districts; 2 competitive Democratic districts; 3 highly competitive districts; 1 competitive Republican district; and 7 solidly Republican districts.
Previously enacted proposalOhio state Senate Republicans
A chart showing the partisan lean of each district in this proposed congressional map. There would be 2 solidly Democratic districts; 0 competitive Democratic districts; 2 highly competitive districts; 3 competitive Republican districts; and 8 solidly Republican districts.
State House Democratic Caucus planOhio state House Democrats
A chart showing the partisan lean of each district in this proposed congressional map. There would be 2 solidly Democratic districts; 2 competitive Democratic districts; 2 highly competitive districts; 3 competitive Republican districts; and 6 solidly Republican districts.
State Senate Republican planOhio state Senate Republicans
A chart showing the partisan lean of each district in this proposed congressional map. There would be 1 solidly Democratic district; 1 competitive Democratic district; 0 highly competitive districts; 8 competitive Republican districts; and 5 solidly Republican districts.
State House Republican planOhio state House Republicans
A chart showing the partisan lean of each district in this proposed congressional map. There would be 2 solidly Democratic districts; 0 competitive Democratic districts; 1 highly competitive district; 4 competitive Republican districts; and 8 solidly Republican districts.
State Senate Democratic Caucus planDemocratic Ohio state Sens. Kenny Yuko and Vernon Sykes
A chart showing the partisan lean of each district in this proposed congressional map. There would be 2 solidly Democratic districts; 2 competitive Democratic districts; 3 highly competitive districts; 2 competitive Republican districts; and 6 solidly Republican districts.