Battery Ventures State of Marketplace Report 2021
Battery Ventures State of Marketplace Report 2021
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The Battery Marketplace Index tracks 54 of the world’s largest marketplace companies. To be included, companies need to be
listed on one of the major global stock exchanges and boast a market capitalization of $500 million or more. You can track the
Battery Marketplace Index here.
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This presentation includes proprietary information of Battery Ventures (As of Nov 2021)
Who is Battery?
This presentation includes proprietary information of Battery Ventures
Battery Marketplace Investments
Acquired by
48.3B 39.7B 35.4B 33.4B 31.1B 26.5B 26.4B 24.7B 22.6B 22.5B 20.8B 17.3B 17.3B
17.2B 16.5B 16.0B 15.1B 9.4B 7.9B 7.8B 7.6B 7.0B 6.4B 6.4B 6.1B 5.2B 5.1B
4.7B 3.5B 3.5B 3.3B 3.2B 3.0B 2.1B 2.1B 2.0B 1.9B 1.1B 0.9B 0.7B¹
Source data from CapIQ (as of Oct 18, 2021) – Refers to Market Capitalization. Battery Marketplace Index is market cap-weighted & pro-rated. GRUB
4 and PS were removed from the BV Marketplace Index as they have been acquired.
* Denotes a current or former Battery portfolio company. No assumption should be made that the investments identified above were or will be
This presentation includes proprietary information of Battery Ventures profitable. For a complete list of portfolio companies, please click here.
So, what’s happened in the last 12 months?
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Regulators are reigning in the power of “big tech”…
This presentation includes proprietary information of Battery Ventures
Chinese Regulators Have Recently Clamped Down on Leading Online Marketplaces
China Fines Alibaba Record $2.75 Billion for Monopolistic Practices
After abruptly cancelling the $37B IPO of Ant Financial, the Chinese government imposed a record fine on
Alibaba for abusing its market dominance over merchants
November 12, 2020
China Weighs Unprecedented Penalty for Didi After U.S. IPO
China removed Didi from the app-store amidst data violation concerns and may force the Company to delist
or withdraw the $4.4 billion in shares it listed on the NYSE
July 22, 2021
Chinese Edtech Upended by Sweeping Regulations
Beijing unveiled new rules on the country’s private education sector, barring edtech companies from earning
profits, raising capital, or going public
July 26, 2021
This presentation includes proprietary information of Battery Ventures
Consequently, Chinese Marketplaces Lowered Returns of the BV Marketplace
Index by 25 Percentage Points (pps) over the Last 12 Months
LTM Share Price Change
Impact of Vaccine Rollout and
Chinese Regulation +31% S&P500
20% +25% DJIA
+14% BV Marketplace
Index (Excluding China)
(11)% BV Marketplace
Oct’20 Nov’20 Dec’20 Jan’21 Feb’21 Mar’21 Apr’21 May’21 Jun’21 Jul’21 Aug’21 Sep’21 Oct’21
This presentation includes proprietary information of Battery Ventures Source: CapIQ (as of Oct 18, 2021) – Chart shows share price change since Oct ’20.
Looking Ahead, China May Serve as an “Early Warning Sign” of Upcoming
Regulation for Marketplaces Around the World
Gig Economy |
Labor Secretary Announces Support for Gig Workers Becoming Full-Time Employees
Secretary Marty Walsh asserted that many people working without benefits in the gig economy should be
reclassified as employees, hinting that reclassification could be a priority in the Biden administration
April 29, 2021
This presentation includes proprietary information of Battery Ventures
However, it’s not all bad news…
This presentation includes proprietary information of Battery Ventures
Marketplace IPO’s Have Had a Blockbuster Last Twelve Months
Eleven Businesses Have Graduated into the BV Marketplace Index (~$400B in Equity Value)
(+) Positive Share Price Change Since IPO (-) Negative Share Price Change Since IPO
Market Market Share Market Market Share
Cap Cap Price IPO Cap Cap Price IPO
Company (IPO) (Oct’21) Change Vertical Date Company (IPO) (Oct’21) Change Vertical Date
$60B $73B 21% Food Delivery Dec’20 $84B $48B (43%) E-commerce Mar’21
$29B $35B 20% Fin-Tech Mar’21 $68B $40B (42%) Travel Jul’21
Future of
$2.2B $3.1B 41% May’21 $11.8B $3.1B (73%) E-commerce Dec’20
Total $176B $217B 23% $7.9B $6.1B (22%) Apr’21
This presentation includes proprietary information of Battery Ventures
The Pandemic Has Bifurcated Marketplaces into Two Categories:
“Stay-At-Home” vs. “Recovery” Businesses
Stay-At-Home Businesses Recovery Businesses
Digital *
Fin-Tech *
Future of Work
14 Note: Logos are representative companies for each vertical – not a comprehensive list.
* Denotes a current or former Battery portfolio company. No assumption should be made that the investments identified above were or will be
This presentation includes proprietary information of Battery Ventures profitable. For a complete list of portfolio companies, please click here.
After Hitting Record Lows in the Past Year, “Recovery” Stocks Across the Board
Have Rebounded – as Strict Lockdowns Lift and Vaccine Rates Rise…
LTM Share Price Change
Stay-At-Home Businesses
Vaccine Rollout
Recovery Businesses
+171% Fintech
(28%) EdTech
-50% (36%) Digital Health
Oct’20 Nov’20 Dec’20 Jan’21 Feb’21 Mar’21 Apr’21 May’21 Jun’21 Jul’21 Aug’21 Sep’21 Oct’21
Source: CapIQ (as of Oct 18, 2021) – Chart shows share price change since Oct ’20; only includes companies in the BV Marketplace Index (excluding
This presentation includes proprietary information of Battery Ventures those companies based in China).
…While “Stay at Home” Businesses Re-Calibrate as the World Opens Back Up
Industry Vertical EV / NTM Multiple in Oct ’20 EV / NTM Multiple in Oct ’21
This presentation includes proprietary information of Battery Ventures Source: CapIQ (as of Oct 18, 2021). Data excludes companies based in China.
Efficiency is Highly Correlated with Market Performance
LTM Share Price Change of the BV Marketplace Index “Stay-At-Home” Stocks
Top Quartile Average Bottom Quartile
Rule of 401: 55 21 2
Note: (Cap IQ) Share price data as of Oct,18, 2021. Top half measured as companies whose stock price performed better than the average, Bottom
half measured as companies whose stock price performed below the average.
17 1 “Rule of 40” refers to a Company’s LTM EBITDA margin plus its consensus NTM Revenue growth rate.
This presentation includes proprietary information of Battery Ventures Note: Only Includes Companies that were public as of Oct 18, 2020.
Recovery-Marketplaces are Leaning-In to Maximize Post-Pandemic Growth
Consensus NTM Growth Rates of Leading “Recovery” Businesses
100% 89%
80% 75%
This presentation includes proprietary information of Battery Ventures 1 Eventbrite Q2’21 Shareholder Letter. 2 Wall Street Journal. 3 Forbes. 4 Tripadvisor Q4’20 Shareholder Letter 5 CNBC.
Now, how should you navigate in this
new reality?
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The Age Old Question – Growth vs. Profitability?
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Early Stage: Grow, Grow, Grow
This presentation includes proprietary information of Battery Ventures
Early Stage: Grow, Grow, Grow (After Finding PMF!)
Uber Case Study
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Uber Eats and Freight are now on $50B and $1.5B
gross bookings run-rates, respectively
This presentation includes proprietary information of Battery Ventures Source: Uber S-1 Filing.
Growth Stage: Scale Efficient Growth
This presentation includes proprietary information of Battery Ventures
Growth Stage: Scale Efficient Growth
Robinhood Case Study
Fin-Tech enabled
Industry Examples: BV Marketplace BV Marketplace Index S&P500 Financials
• The Uber Money product expedites Index EV/Sales EV/Sales EV/Sales
courier/driver payments 5.6x 7.0x 4.8x
• Jumia provides financing to SMB’s and
allows customers to “Buy Now, Pay
• Lyft offers insurance coverage to all its
drivers *
$4.0 $50.0
Marketplace Growth 3rd party marketplaces Growth
since 2015 since 2015
Fintech Own marketplace
$2.6 $30.0
Mercado Libre Offers a One-Stop Shop for Financial
$2.2 +4.3x $28.0
Services, Including:
$1.4 $18.0
$1.3 $1.3
Payment Processing: $17.5B in Q2’21 payment volume
$0.8 $7.2
$0.8 $7.7 $4.1
$1.4 +7.0x
$2.1 $11.0 $13.0
$20.0 +3.5x Asset Management: Manage $810M on behalf of 19.3M users
$0.6 $9.6
$0.2 $0.4 $5.6 across Latin America
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Lending: Originated ~$700M of loans in Q2’21
MELI 5-Year Share Price Change Investing in growing insurance and credit card products
Source: MercadoLibre Q1’21 10-Q Report.
This presentation includes proprietary information of Battery Ventures Note: (Cap IQ) Share price data as of Oct 18, 2021.
Pre-IPO: Create Optionality and Demonstrate Long-Term Viability
Carvana Case Study
CVNA Gross Profits per Unit by Segment
Oct’17 Oct’18 Oct’19 Oct’20 Oct’21
Source: Carvana Q2’21 10-Q Report.
This presentation includes proprietary information of Battery Ventures Note: (Cap IQ) Share price data as of Oct 18, 2021.
We’re Just Getting Started …
Equity Value
This presentation includes proprietary information of Battery Ventures