Niklas Östberg’s Post

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Co-Founder and CEO Delivery Hero

#DeliveryHero last 10 years 0 to over €30,000,000,000 sales volume 0 to 8,000,000 daily orders 0 to 27,000 employees 10 good advices I've received over the last 10 years. Agree/disagree? 1. Speed beats perfection almost every time 2. Most decisions are of "revolving door" nature. Don't waste time overanalysing. (thanks Jeff Bezos) 3. Being yourself is always better than a loosy copy of someone else 4. Focus on gradual improvements rather than step change 5. It's rarely too late to enter a market with better customer experience, see Zoom vs Skype or Google meets. 6. Hire people with heart. Heart really matters. It's not just about talent. (thanks Elon Musk) 7. Getting 1 thing right can compensates for being wrong 10 times. 8. Almost always better to let teams try, fail and learn than stop them from trying 9. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. (thanks Steve Jobs) 10. Stay down to earth. Your success is driven by a ton of luck, coincidence and amazing people around you.

Ralf Hartkopf

Strategischer Einkäufer


Sehr geehrter Herr Östberg. Anstatt die Welt weiter mit solchen Plattheiten zu "beglücken", sollten Sie endlich das tun, was insbesondere Ihre Anleger von einem Unternehmer erwarten, einfach Gewinn erwirtschaften, Geld verdienen. Sie haben in Ihrer Aufzählung nämlich vergessen, daß Sie durch Ihre unternehmerische Unfähigkeit bisher nur Anlegergelder verbrannt und allein in den letzten Monaten ca. 27 Mrd. € Börsenwert vernichtet haben. Und kommen Sie mir nicht mit irgendwelchen Ausreden, der Markt ist schwierig, o.ä. .... Sie als CEO tragen allein die Verantwortung für unternehmerischen Erfolg oder eben Misserfolg. Wenn der Aufsichtsrat nicht so korrupt wäre, hätten Sie sich schon längst einen anderen Job suchen müssen. Vielleicht versuchen Sie es mal als Auslieferfahrer bei Lieferando. Aber doch lieber nicht, dann kommt keine Lieferung mehr an😡😡😡

Squall Tan

CEO/Co-Founder of FeedMe POS & Aeolus Drones | Aiming to become one of the best tech company in the World.


Amazing story, and big fan of delivery hero. What are your advices for young entrepreneur who are facing a lot competition and even giant competitors in the market?? We are a restaurant tech platform who only raise $250k and based in Southeast Asia and hope to expand into another 6 countries this year! hope to hear your opinion! :D

Edoardo Pieroni

Strategy & Management Consultant | Sportsman


Really helpful and some counter-intuitive tips! In particular n.7 I just red also in “Psychology of Money” of Morgan Housel: “You can be wrong half the time and still be extremely successful”

Kristian Midjaas

CEO & Co-Founder at Staffers


This is spot on Niklas. Thanks for sharing! This is an inspiration to new entrepreneurs and proof that platform companies from the Nordic Countries can really become dominant.

jimbu dan

broker imobiliar la PFA


How about going bankrupt in 2024?Lets go party.

ilia khurtsilava

Business is a Team Sport


Great post for me as a startuper. Congrats from georgia

Dr. Christine von der Heide

Trainerin für Kommunikation und Teamentwicklung in 🇨🇳🇩🇪 ∙ Rechtsanwältin in 🇪🇺🇩🇪 ∙ Dozentin in 🇺🇸🇩🇪 ∙ Vipassana-Meditierende


No 4 Focus on gradual improvements rather than step change and No 7 Getting 1 thing right can compensates for being wrong 10 times - absolutely agree! Great reminder, Niklas Östberg

Thu N.

Vietnamese plant-based food.


27,000 employees! 😲😥

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