136 - Gavin Nelson

Gavin Nelson is is a Product Designer at GitHub working on GitHub Mobile as well as an icon designer focused on crafting app icons for clients in his free time

Gavin Nelson is is a Product Designer at GitHub working on GitHub Mobile as well as an icon designer focused on crafting app icons for clients in his free time. Check out his recent work and get in touch with him on Twitter or through his website.



  • Figma, Sketch, and Blender for design
  • Things and Obsidian for keeping my life on track
  • VS Code and recently Nova for the code

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Q/A ☕️

What is your favorite item in your workspace?

- Physical item/tool: I love what the Grovemade shelf does for my workspace aesthetics and organization.
- Digital item/tool: Things hands down. It's easily one of the most carefully crafted apps and as someone who heavily relies on GTD, it's indispensable in my workflo

How do you spark creativity?

I love sketching and writing to spark creativity. Quantity > quality for me when it comes to getting the creative energy flowing.
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