Welcome to Cloud Streaks

“The next generation is the stories that we tell ourselves. You need to get to the root story people say as this often dictates their response. Change the story and change the response.”

At Cloud Streaks we like learning and using that learning to build things that hopefully make the world better. Cloud Streaks is a blog by Duncan Anderson and podcast by Duncan Anderson and James Peck. We are passionate about improving people’s lives through thought provoking content by diving into modern day problems! A problem is a challenge and a challenge is a puzzle and a puzzle is fun!

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Disclaimers from Duncan:

  • All views expressed are the opinion of Duncan and James alone and do not represent the views of the organisations at which they work…

  • … and these aren’t necessarily our views :). Basically we find it often more ‘thought provoking’ to explore the limits of an idea and then to sit with the ideas generated and digest over the next period.

  • “The ability to change your mind is a superpower.” Again, often the purpose of the blogs or podcasts is to be thought provoking for ourselves and hopefully others. We hope that we can learn over our lives and that means that we’ll change our minds about things from time to time… so it’s quite possible we might have a different view now vs when a blog or podcast was made.

  • Less is more: don’t complicate ideas with lots and lots of conditions and extra clarifications. Basically we find it more important to write something that is more easily understandable and hopefully thought provoking than spending super amounts of time to explain all the minute details. As an example, the blogs written by Duncan are generally 80% of what he thinks, getting all the details in would take forever and make the article massively long and likely not enjoyable to read.

  • Also, while I try to get all spelling and grammar right I’m focusing on getting out blogs, not perfecting them or paying for a copy editor. Please excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes!