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Erg Herbe

by John Also Bennett

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Paul Crary
Paul Crary thumbnail
Paul Crary lovely lovely music Favorite track: Erg Herbe.
ddb thumbnail
ddb this is some chill shit! i really love it! i’m bumping this loudly in my nissan as i drive out of the sunset and into the night. also i think my cats really like this record.
MDonaldson →
MDonaldson → thumbnail
MDonaldson → A tip-toe into the fourth world courtesy of pitched-off drones and Japanese wind-songs and a traveler's sense of distance … JAB quietly dazzles on this evocative album, each track a surprise of tone and spirit. Dig in — multiple listens reap rewards. Favorite track: Jacob’s House.
World of Echo
World of Echo thumbnail
World of Echo Reminds me of '80s minimalism mixed with a Leaving Records aesthetic.
BenPujara thumbnail
BenPujara As if you could go wrong wading into the warm and swirling pools of Shelter Press. Favorite track: A Little Breeze.
Planner’s Beauty 00:00 / 03:21
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Erg Herbe 03:46


Last year John Also Bennett appeared on three collaborative full length releases - the CV & JAB album Thoughts Of A Dot As It Travels A Surface for Shelter Press in February, a fourth Forma album Semblance for Kranky in July and Outside The Disc, a new album for his Seabat project with Forest Christenson in October. He also appeared on Christina Vantzou's solo album No. 4 (Kranky) in April. Whilst work continues on these long running collaborations (as well as other projects with artists such as noted Minimalist composer / performer Jon Gibson), 2019 will start for John with his first full-length solo release - Erg Herbe.

JAB says the record was gestated for nearly a decade while he worked out how to fully express his own sound and ideas. He notes that "My personality is all over this music", elaborating that "the goal is to create nice, strange, and thoughtful music that reflects a genuine inner vision of self. I’ve been recording solo music for a long time without releasing any of it because I’m not able to let anything out that doesn’t satisfy this criteria." Finally, Erg Herbe began to emerge during 2017 and 2018, recorded alone during spare moments between collaborative projects. JAB uses a mixture of synthetic and organic instruments throughout the album, including modified Aphex Twin DX7 presets played using a just intonation tuning system, eurorack oscillators "tuned according to intuitive structures using intervals of 30 hz," and a number of flutes including a Chinese "dizi" flute borrowed from his father, noted avant-garde poet and mail-artist John M. Bennett (a contemporary of New York underground poets Richard Kostelanetz and Steve Dalachinsky). Through this unique mixture JAB creates a record which moves outside the conventional. Part New York minimalism, part ambient, part classic electronic yet uniquely JAB.

Primarily recorded at The Schoolhouse, the Brooklyn loft where he lives and works (that will also serve as the site of a launch event for the album this spring), Erg Herbe taps into the rich history of New York loft music, recalling downtown artists like La Monte Young, Phill Niblock and Laurie Spiegel. He also cites Takehisa Kosugi, Dominique Lawalrée, Jon Gibson (who JAB toured with in 2017 & 2018) and Pauline Anna Strom as important influences - “Their music seems to express their personalities so well, at least my perceptions of them. And those personalities are relaxed, inquisitive, friendly and unique - how I strive to be." If you add his list of inspirations and his past projects, as well as his time spent working behind the scenes with noted NYC imprint RVNG Intl., then it becomes clear how much JAB is working within a very distinctly New York tradition of experimental, classical and electronic music. His various projects with filmmakers and installation artists like Peter Burr also add to this vivid impression of a New York artist out and about, working on many levels at once. The sound of Erg Herbe reflects this cross fertilization of artistic...  more


released March 7, 2019


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John Also Bennett Athens, Greece

John Also Bennett is an American composer, synthesist and multi-instrumentalist who creates music that could be described as avant-garde, atmospheric, or minimalist.


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