Developer Relations - The Book.
How To Build And Grow A Successful Developer Program
For many years, we knew that the practice of Developer Relations needed a book. One that could codify this practice by putting a stake in the ground of what Developer Relations is, and a guide to work by. We also had frameworks, processes, and a whole lot of experience built out over fifteen years that we wanted to share. So we combined our knowledge to write this DevRel Book. Two years later, in the fall of 2021, it was published.
Our intent with our book was also to contribute to the growing recognition and professionalization of Developer Relations as a practice and Developer Relations achieving C level authority within companies.
Who the book is for:
The book is for current or aspiring Developer Relations leaders and their stakeholders within a wider organization.

Questions that are answered:
How do we convince stakeholders to support a program?
How do we go about creating a program?
How do we make developers aware of our offer?
How do we stand out from the crowd?
How do we get developers to use our products?
How do we ensure developers are successful using our products?
How do we measure success?
How do we maintain the support of our stakeholders?
What will you learn?
What Developer Relations is and how it contributes to a company's success.
How to launch a DevRel program.
How to operate a successful DevRel program.
How to measure the success of your program.
How to manage your stakeholders.
Who is the book for?
Those interested in starting a new DevRel program.
Those looking to increase the impact of an existing DevRel program.
Those interested in learning more about DevRel.
For DevRel professionals, executives, investors, engineers, product managers, marketers, and students.
It's for you!

Community Feedback


Ronald te Brake
Exciting times
@OpenSocialHQ A massive thanks to
@CarolineLewko & @jamesparton for writing this absolute gem, lots of great actionable insights for anyone involved in #devrel

Chris D
Bought this book since I’m back in #DevRel and I’m about to jump in.
@jamesparton #DeveloperCommunity

Tessa Kriesel
Shoutout to @CarolineLewko & @jamesparton for writing the @DevRelBook and setting standards & naming conventions for our industry! Without their book, this deck wouldn't be possible.

Sean Falconer
I just started reading it as well. It's chalked full of great insights and provides a good foundation for the history of DevRel and the core responsibilities. I highly recommend it to anyone working or thinking about working in the field.

Ely Lucas
Finished @DevRelBook today. I don't read to many tech/business books cover to cover but this one was great. I recommend to anyone who works for a org that targets devs as customers, not just those in DevRel. Lots of great insights.

Lewis Meyers
@CarolineLewko The book wasn’t dense. It was just what I needed my whole life. Now I reread it 87 more times
@virtualized6ix thank you so much for recommending this. Feel empowered and itching to be unleashed once hired. Until then I’ll make believe I’m hired.

This book provides a comprehensive overview of what is Developer Relations, why it matters, and how to build a Developer Relations program. I have used this book as a reference in building several DevRel programs from the start - from creating the initial strategy and mission, evaluating various resource needs, setting up those resources as a program, to measuring the success... and everything in between. As far as I know, this is the first book that attempts to formalize the discipline of Developer Relations.

Some of the amazing books to help you get started in #devrel
1 - Developer Relations: How to Build and Grow a Successful Developer by
@CarolineLewko And @jamesparton
2 - The Business Value of Developer Relations: by @mary_grace
3 - Ask your developer by @jeffiel

Ilker Akansel
@DevRelBook is one of the best DevRel resources out there - authors @CarolineLewko & @jamesparton - @tessak22 @wesley83 two of the top DevRel pros to follow & finally it's worth checking out all past @devrelcon session recordings for great content on subject

"Developer Relations" by Caroline Lewko and James Parton: highly recommended if your company (has) or is starting a new Developer program.
I have only read half of the book so far but I cannot deny that it has already answered questions I had as to how software developers are recognized as decision makers and why companies are increasingly improving programs and processes to get in touch with the developers.

If you ever want to work as a developer advocate
If you’re are starting a developer program.
If you need a fresh restart in your existing developer program.
This is a must-read book about developer advocacy And @CarolineLewko
’s writing is fun to read.

Marino Wijay
A thank you to Caroline Lewko for an authoring an insightful book on Developer Relations to help frame our thinking.

Richard Seroter
I appreciate you and
@jamesparton writing such a helpful book. It made me 14% less anxious about taking on the role :)

R. Marshall

If you're looking for a good intro-to-everything guide with good references to supporting and extension materials, then this has hit the spot for me.As a software engineer and product manager, this book covers many of the things I've been doing ad-hoc for many years, and shed new light on many activities that I should start doing or could do better. It is a reasonably quick read, with a logical flow if you're reading cover to cover like I was. The frameworks are simple and useful. All-in-all it was

Lewis Meyers
This is where it’s at! #devrel @CarolineLewko
@carminegallo Thanks for putting these master pieces out!

1 month into @DevRelBook and it’s unbelievable how much value is packed in it. IT has a few of these gems, the kind of long-lasting reference content, that you go back to many months after.

Christian Kullendorff
I highly recommend this book by @CarolineLewko
& @jamesparton A good foundation on why DevRel matters and how to setup your product for success. Only thing I missed was the aspect on cognitive load on developers, maybe in 2nd ed.?

Mary Thengvall
Finally making time to dig into @CarolineLewko & @jamesparton ’s book on #DevRel, which has been on my list for months now. Flipping through it and this statement caught my eye:
> Resist temptation to dream up unique metrics to measure your program.
So good!

Luke Murphy
Currently reading @jamesparton and @CarolineLewko's Developer Relations book and screaming that it wasn't around in Feb when I started.
If you're working in, setting up or running any kind of dev or design advocacy stuff, this is crucial reading. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4842-7164-3…

Kaslin Fields
Storytelling & DevRel have been themes for me this week between my session with @mikegcoleman and @rothgar's Twitter space. So much I want to do with these ideas~ @TheStarfishface
, @CarolineLewko @jamesparton

Robin Purohit

I regularly use this comprehensive guide to DevRel to jumpstart my team's understanding of this fast-growing discipline. The Developer Journey framework is a great reference shaping how we build products for "developer-first" businesses. I also appreciated the extensive 3rd party market analysis assembled in a coherent narrative - it saved me hours of research.

Siddharth Dayalwal
Super excited to experience this wonderful @DevRelBook by @CarolineLewko & @jamesparton Thanks a lot @ankitatr_ for sending this surprise

Anuradha Kumari
Read the Developer relations book by
@CarolineLewko and
@jamesparton and it is so so good - full of concrete data, information and strategies around dev rel.
I have been interested in dev rel since quite some time, and this book is a gem

Siddharth Dayalwal
Super excited to experience this wonderful @DevRelBook by @CarolineLewko & @jamesparton Thanks a lot @ankitatr_ for sending this surprise

James Robertson
Ingenious way to visualise the DevRel role from @jamesparton and @CarolineLewko
The whole book is pure gold tbh.