Canberra’s failure to detect live-firing by Chinese warships has exposed weaknesses in Australia’s defence, which in just a couple of weeks has changed for the worse, writes Peter Cronau.
The real anti-Semitism problem in society is the way ruling institutions keep lumping all Jews in with the abuses of a genocidal apartheid state and the Western empire which supports it.
“Watching their territories being devoured” — Jordan, Egypt and other Arab countries could find themselves facing the same predicament as Syria today, warns Ramzy Baroud.
Ralph Nader says that when you shut out the civic community, you shut down democracy. He places responsibility for that happening, first and foremost, on the mass media.
The F.B.I. met a court-ordered deadline to provide an index of files on slain DNC-staffer Seth Rich’s two computers, but more than 300 pages of redactions shed no light on an alleged connection to WikiLeaks, reports Joe Lauria.
DNI Tulsi Gabbard’s action to strip the security clearances is a clear warning that her boss told her to shut down the deep-state cottage industry of former spies able and willing to interfere in U.S. elections.
“Ceasefire Israeli-style” — the act of collective punishment comes as negotiators are meeting in Qatar over the terms of the second phase of the ceasefire deal.
A federal judge in Texas ordered in a FOIA case against the F.B.I. that the bureau must produce an index of the contents of Seth Rich’s laptop computers by Monday, reports Joe Lauria.
There appears to be a good chance that Trump and his people have concluded that there is a fine line between attacking the Deep State and going along with it.
It is unlikely that a wayward F.B.I. field office is the full explanation for Attorney General Bondi’s fiasco of a document release, writes Elizabeth Vos.
There is a pressing reason to keep our attention focused on the role of the Hannibal directive, writes Jonathan Cook. It relates to what is happening right now.
A right is not a privilege, says Andrew P. Napolitano. A right is an indefeasible personal claim against the whole world. It does not require a government permission slip.
While the military industrial complex seems all too natural to most politicians and journalists, Norman Solomon says its consequences have transformed U.S. politics.
Ukraine will have to cede more territory than it would have in April 2022 — when the U.S. and U.K. talked it out of a peace deal — but it will gain sovereignty and international security arrangements.